Contence of the booklet of abstracts | ||
Author | Title | Page |
VICTOR TOPONOGOV (on the occasion of his 70th birthday)(on Russion) | 8 | |
VICTOR TOPONOGOV (on the occasion of his 70th birthday) | 10 | |
Abstracts | 12 | |
N.M. Abasov | Extremal Structure of Operator's Balls in Some Functional Spaces | 12 |
V.A. Alexandrov | Necessary Conditions for a Framework to be Flexible | 13 |
Yu.A. Aminov, V. A. Gorkavyy | On Closed Surfaces in $E^3$ and $E^4$ | 13 |
Yu.A. Aminov, V. A. Gorkavyy | On the Problem of H. Hopf | 15 |
S.V. Avgustinovich, F. I. Solov'eva | On the Rigidity of Binary Codes | 16 |
N.P. Azanov | On Differential Invariants of 3-Manifolds in a Gravity Field | 18 |
N.V. Baltakhinova, V. P. Golubyatnikov | Convex Bodies with Similar Projections in the Complex Spaces | 19 |
M.V. Belolipetsky, G. Jones | Arithmeticity and Automorphisms of Riemann Surfaces | 20 |
V.N. Berestovskii | A Metric Characterization of Riemannian Submersion for Manifolds with Bounded Curvature | 21 |
V.V. Bogdanov, Yu. S. Volkov | Spline Interpolation Preserving Geometric Shape of Functions | 22 |
I.V. Bubyakin | On Geometry of 5-Submanifold of Grassmanian $G(2,5)$ | 23 |
M.A. Cheshkova | Bonnet Theorem on 2-Surface $M\subset S^3\subset E^4$ | 25 |
G.A. Chumakov, S. G. Chumakov | 2-D Regular Quasi-Isometric Grids and Riemannian Metric of Harmonic Parametrization of Geodesic Quadrangles Curvature | 26 |
N.A. Chumakova | Multiplicity in Models of a Catalytic Reverse-Process | 28 |
N.P. Chupakhin | Invariants of the Theory of Families of Curves and Planes of Projective Space | 29 |
N.S. Dairbekov, V. A. Sharafutdinov | On Spectral Rigidity Problem for Anosov Manifolds | 30 |
F. Damian, V. S. Makarov | On Some Hyperbolic Polyhedra and Manifolds | 31 |
O.M. Davydov | Symmetric Heegard Diagrams and Their Recognition | 33 |
V.I. Diskant | A More Precise Form of Isodiametrical Inequality in Minkowski Geometry | 33 |
A.A. Egorov | On Stability Estimates in the $W_p^1$-Norm on the John Domains for Classes of Affine Mappings | 36 |
A.Ye. Fomina | A Deformation of a Four-manifold of Riemannian Space under Conformal Mapping | 37 |
D.G. Fon-Der-Flaass, S. V. Avgustinovich | Cartesian Products of Graphs and Metric Spaces | 38 |
V.A. Gorkavyy | Deformations of Surfaces with Constant Grassmanian Image | 39 |
A.V. Greshnov | Leftinvariant Riemannian Metric and Carnot-Caratheodory\ Metric on Carnot Groups | 41 |
A.M. Gurin | Row of Packing of Equal Balls with Monotonicaly Growing Density | 42 |
A.K. Guts | Topology of Human Body and Time | 43 |
I.Herburt | Dimension of Rigid Sets | 44 |
R.H. Ibragimova | On a Class of Metric Fibrations of Finsler Type | 44 |
V.K. Ionin | Dependence Between Some Functionals of Convex Surfaces | 45 |
R.R. Isangulov | Isospectral Flat Klein's Bottles | 45 |
E.A. Ivanov, S. I. Fadeev, A. Yu. Beresin, I. A. Gainova | Investigation of the Savchenko's Model of CO oxidation on nonuniform Surface | 47 |
V.V. Ivanov | Isochronous Oscillations in a Conservative Newton System | 47 |
V.V. Ivanov | Umbilic Points on Closed Convex Surfaces | 48 |
K.O. Kizbikenov | Restoration of Surfaces of a Codimension Two in $E^n$ from Its Grassmannian Image | 49 |
L.I. Kononenko | On Smoothness of Slow Surfaces in Problems of Chemical Kinetics | 49 |
N.V. Kopteva, E. Ya. Klimenko | Two-Generator Hyperbolic Orbifolds | 49 |
A.P. Kopylov, M. V. Korobkov | On Morera Type Criterions for Boundedness of Coefficient of Distortion | 50 |
Ya.A. Kopylov, V. I. Kuz'minov | On the Properties of the $\operatorname {Ker}$-$\operatorname {Coker}$-Sequence in a Semiabelian Category | 51 |
Yu.A. Kordyukov | Adiabatic Limits and Spectral Geometry of Foliations | 53 |
V.S. Kulikov | Braid Monodromy Invariants of Generic Coverings of the Plane | 54 |
S.S. Kutateladze | Some Trends in Monadology | 54 |
V.I. Kuz'minov, I. A. Shvedov | On Compact Solvability of Differentials of Differential Complex | 54 |
G.Laman | Another Look at Rigidity of Frameworks | 57 |
A.V. Levichev | Geometric Description of an Induced Representation of a Lie Algebra | 57 |
V.P. Lexin | Holonomy of KZ Equations and Quasibialgebra Structures | 58 |
A.M. Lomshakov | On Generalization of a Pythagorean Theorem in Pseudoeuclidean Space | 59 |
A.P. Lungu | To the Methods of Deriving Discrete Groups of $W_p$-Symmetry | 60 |
A.Yue Macovetsky | On Order One Transformations of Manifolds Triangulations | 62 |
I.Maksimov, I. Kh. Sabitov | On the Definition of Combinatorially p-Parametric Polyhedra | 62 |
R.Malysz | Fractal Interpolation Surfaces | 64 |
E.N. Materov | Integer Points in Convex Simple Polytopes | 64 |
O.Y. Matukevich | The Estimation of the Length of a Simple Geodesic's Arc on a Strictly Convex Surface | 65 |
A.D. Mednykh, R. N. Shmatkov | Trigonometrical Identities and Inequalities for Knots and Links | 66 |
V.L. Miroshnichenko | An Envelope as Quality Criterion to Three-Dimensional Approximation of Functions | 67 |
S.V. Nagaev, L. V. Nedorezov, V. I. Vakhtel | On a Model of Dynamics of the Isolated Population Size | 68 |
V.M. Nezhinskij | Almost Trivial Links of Codimensions Greater Than Two | 68 |
Yu.G. Nikonorov | On Compact 7-Dimensional Einstein Homogeneous Manifolds | 69 |
M.A. Ovchinnikov | Projective Plane, Graph-Manifolds and Simple Spines | 69 |
E.S. Patmar, N. I. Kol'cov | On the Great Number of Limit Cycles in Catalitic Reactions Kinetics | 70 |
C.Plaut, U. Lang | Bilipschitz Embeddings and Immersions of Metric Spaces into Euclidean Space | 72 |
I.V. Polikanova | About a Set Edge of Points of a Fan of Normal Vectors | 72 |
K.Polthier | Discrete Conjugate Minimal Surfaces | 73 |
D.Repovs, A. B. Skopenkov | Codimension Two PL Embeddings of Spheres with Nonstandard Regular Neighborhoods | 74 |
E.D. Rodionov | Standard Homogeneous Einstein Manifolds and Diophantine Equations | 74 |
A.S. Romanov | On Embedding Theorems for Sobolev Classes on Metric Space | 75 |
A.N. Romanov | Infinite Lorentzian Distances in the Theory of Causality | 76 |
H.Rosenberg, P. Collin, L. Hauswirth | The Geometry of Finite Topology Surfaces Properly Embedded in Hyperbolic Space with Constant Mean Curvature One | 77 |
I.Kh. Sabitov, R. V. Galiulin, S. N. Mikhalyov | Some Applications of the Formula for Volume of Octahedron | 77 |
V.P. Sizikov, L. G. Sizikova | Notion of Process Topology of Objects | 79 |
V.A. Skorospelov, P. A. Turuk | On Particularities of Recovering of Curves and Surfaces by Parametric Splines | 80 |
V.V. Slavskii | Conformally Flat Metrics and Strongly Parabolic Convex Surfaces in Lobachevski Space | 80 |
K.V. Storojouk | On Action of Transformation Group of Lipshitz Manifold on $L_p$-Spaces of Differential Forms | 81 |
S.D. Tyurina | On the Universal Vassiliev Invariant | 81 |
Z.D. Usmanov | A Natural Metric of the Gravity Force Field | 83 |
V.V. Varlamov | The Dirac Operator on Surfaces Immersed into 4D Manifolds | 84 |
V.V. Vershinin | On Automorphic Objects in Categories | 85 |
L.B. Vertgeim | Integral Geometry Problem and Reconstruction Problem for Operators in a Vector Bundle | 86 |
A.Yu. Vesnin | On Manifolds Corresponding to Cyclically Presented Groups | 87 |
E.P. Volokitin | Polynomial Differential Systems with Uniformly Isochronous Centers | 88 |
I.A. Zubareva | The Form of Spheres of Some Left Invariant Nonholonomic Inner Metrics on $SL_{2}(R)$ and $SO(3)$ | 88 |
S.V. Bouialo | Invariant Subsets of the Geodesic Flow on Rank 1 Manifolds of Nonpositive Curvature | 90 |
K.Grove | Curvature, Symmetry and Topology | 90 |
P.E. Markov | Infinitesimal Bendings of Many-Dimensional Surfaces | 90 |
D. Millionshchikov | Cohomology of Nilmanifolds, Massey Products and Symplectic Structures | 90 |
E.V. Shkryl | Infinitesimal Bendings of a Many-Dimensional Cone | 91 |
M.Simon | Approximating Metrics with Bounded Curvature Whose Lower Bound is Zero | 91 |
S.Hellmuth | Higher Order Flexibility of Bipartite Frameworks | 91 |
O.M. Trehos | Infinitesimal Bendings of Glued Surfaces | 91 |
I.L. Zhogin | Differential Fforms of Topological Charges and Quasi-Charges | 91 |
Author's Index | 93 | |
Informations on Authors/Participants | 94 |