Contence of the booklet of abstracts
Author Title Page
VICTOR TOPONOGOV (on the occasion of his 70th birthday)(on Russion) 8
VICTOR TOPONOGOV (on the occasion of his 70th birthday) 10
Abstracts 12
N.M. Abasov Extremal Structure of Operator's Balls in Some Functional Spaces 12
V.A. Alexandrov Necessary Conditions for a Framework to be Flexible 13
Yu.A. Aminov, V. A. Gorkavyy On Closed Surfaces in $E^3$ and $E^4$ 13
Yu.A. Aminov, V. A. Gorkavyy On the Problem of H. Hopf 15
S.V. Avgustinovich, F. I. Solov'eva On the Rigidity of Binary Codes 16
N.P. Azanov On Differential Invariants of 3-Manifolds in a Gravity Field 18
N.V. Baltakhinova, V. P. Golubyatnikov Convex Bodies with Similar Projections in the Complex Spaces 19
M.V. Belolipetsky, G. Jones Arithmeticity and Automorphisms of Riemann Surfaces 20
V.N. Berestovskii A Metric Characterization of Riemannian Submersion for Manifolds with Bounded Curvature 21
V.V. Bogdanov, Yu. S. Volkov Spline Interpolation Preserving Geometric Shape of Functions 22
I.V. Bubyakin On Geometry of 5-Submanifold of Grassmanian $G(2,5)$ 23
M.A. Cheshkova Bonnet Theorem on 2-Surface $M\subset S^3\subset E^4$ 25
G.A. Chumakov, S. G. Chumakov 2-D Regular Quasi-Isometric Grids and Riemannian Metric of Harmonic Parametrization of Geodesic Quadrangles Curvature 26
N.A. Chumakova Multiplicity in Models of a Catalytic Reverse-Process 28
N.P. Chupakhin Invariants of the Theory of Families of Curves and Planes of Projective Space 29
N.S. Dairbekov, V. A. Sharafutdinov On Spectral Rigidity Problem for Anosov Manifolds 30
F. Damian, V. S. Makarov On Some Hyperbolic Polyhedra and Manifolds 31
O.M. Davydov Symmetric Heegard Diagrams and Their Recognition 33
V.I. Diskant A More Precise Form of Isodiametrical Inequality in Minkowski Geometry 33
A.A. Egorov On Stability Estimates in the $W_p^1$-Norm on the John Domains for Classes of Affine Mappings 36
A.Ye. Fomina A Deformation of a Four-manifold of Riemannian Space under Conformal Mapping 37
D.G. Fon-Der-Flaass, S. V. Avgustinovich Cartesian Products of Graphs and Metric Spaces 38
V.A. Gorkavyy Deformations of Surfaces with Constant Grassmanian Image 39
A.V. Greshnov Leftinvariant Riemannian Metric and Carnot-Caratheodory\ Metric on Carnot Groups 41
A.M. Gurin Row of Packing of Equal Balls with Monotonicaly Growing Density 42
A.K. Guts Topology of Human Body and Time 43
I.Herburt Dimension of Rigid Sets 44
R.H. Ibragimova On a Class of Metric Fibrations of Finsler Type 44
V.K. Ionin Dependence Between Some Functionals of Convex Surfaces 45
R.R. Isangulov Isospectral Flat Klein's Bottles 45
E.A. Ivanov, S. I. Fadeev, A. Yu. Beresin, I. A. Gainova Investigation of the Savchenko's Model of CO oxidation on nonuniform Surface 47
V.V. Ivanov Isochronous Oscillations in a Conservative Newton System 47
V.V. Ivanov Umbilic Points on Closed Convex Surfaces 48
K.O. Kizbikenov Restoration of Surfaces of a Codimension Two in $E^n$ from Its Grassmannian Image 49
L.I. Kononenko On Smoothness of Slow Surfaces in Problems of Chemical Kinetics 49
N.V. Kopteva, E. Ya. Klimenko Two-Generator Hyperbolic Orbifolds 49
A.P. Kopylov, M. V. Korobkov On Morera Type Criterions for Boundedness of Coefficient of Distortion 50
Ya.A. Kopylov, V. I. Kuz'minov On the Properties of the $\operatorname {Ker}$-$\operatorname {Coker}$-Sequence in a Semiabelian Category 51
Yu.A. Kordyukov Adiabatic Limits and Spectral Geometry of Foliations 53
V.S. Kulikov Braid Monodromy Invariants of Generic Coverings of the Plane 54
S.S. Kutateladze Some Trends in Monadology 54
V.I. Kuz'minov, I. A. Shvedov On Compact Solvability of Differentials of Differential Complex 54
G.Laman Another Look at Rigidity of Frameworks 57
A.V. Levichev Geometric Description of an Induced Representation of a Lie Algebra 57
V.P. Lexin Holonomy of KZ Equations and Quasibialgebra Structures 58
A.M. Lomshakov On Generalization of a Pythagorean Theorem in Pseudoeuclidean Space 59
A.P. Lungu To the Methods of Deriving Discrete Groups of $W_p$-Symmetry 60
A.Yue Macovetsky On Order One Transformations of Manifolds Triangulations 62
I.Maksimov, I. Kh. Sabitov On the Definition of Combinatorially p-Parametric Polyhedra 62
R.Malysz Fractal Interpolation Surfaces 64
E.N. Materov Integer Points in Convex Simple Polytopes 64
O.Y. Matukevich The Estimation of the Length of a Simple Geodesic's Arc on a Strictly Convex Surface 65
A.D. Mednykh, R. N. Shmatkov Trigonometrical Identities and Inequalities for Knots and Links 66
V.L. Miroshnichenko An Envelope as Quality Criterion to Three-Dimensional Approximation of Functions 67
S.V. Nagaev, L. V. Nedorezov, V. I. Vakhtel On a Model of Dynamics of the Isolated Population Size 68
V.M. Nezhinskij Almost Trivial Links of Codimensions Greater Than Two 68
Yu.G. Nikonorov On Compact 7-Dimensional Einstein Homogeneous Manifolds 69
M.A. Ovchinnikov Projective Plane, Graph-Manifolds and Simple Spines 69
E.S. Patmar, N. I. Kol'cov On the Great Number of Limit Cycles in Catalitic Reactions Kinetics 70
C.Plaut, U. Lang Bilipschitz Embeddings and Immersions of Metric Spaces into Euclidean Space 72
I.V. Polikanova About a Set Edge of Points of a Fan of Normal Vectors 72
K.Polthier Discrete Conjugate Minimal Surfaces 73
D.Repovs, A. B. Skopenkov Codimension Two PL Embeddings of Spheres with Nonstandard Regular Neighborhoods 74
E.D. Rodionov Standard Homogeneous Einstein Manifolds and Diophantine Equations 74
A.S. Romanov On Embedding Theorems for Sobolev Classes on Metric Space 75
A.N. Romanov Infinite Lorentzian Distances in the Theory of Causality 76
H.Rosenberg, P. Collin, L. Hauswirth The Geometry of Finite Topology Surfaces Properly Embedded in Hyperbolic Space with Constant Mean Curvature One 77
I.Kh. Sabitov, R. V. Galiulin, S. N. Mikhalyov Some Applications of the Formula for Volume of Octahedron 77
V.P. Sizikov, L. G. Sizikova Notion of Process Topology of Objects 79
V.A. Skorospelov, P. A. Turuk On Particularities of Recovering of Curves and Surfaces by Parametric Splines 80
V.V. Slavskii Conformally Flat Metrics and Strongly Parabolic Convex Surfaces in Lobachevski Space 80
K.V. Storojouk On Action of Transformation Group of Lipshitz Manifold on $L_p$-Spaces of Differential Forms 81
S.D. Tyurina On the Universal Vassiliev Invariant 81
Z.D. Usmanov A Natural Metric of the Gravity Force Field 83
V.V. Varlamov The Dirac Operator on Surfaces Immersed into 4D Manifolds 84
V.V. Vershinin On Automorphic Objects in Categories 85
L.B. Vertgeim Integral Geometry Problem and Reconstruction Problem for Operators in a Vector Bundle 86
A.Yu. Vesnin On Manifolds Corresponding to Cyclically Presented Groups 87
E.P. Volokitin Polynomial Differential Systems with Uniformly Isochronous Centers 88
I.A. Zubareva The Form of Spheres of Some Left Invariant Nonholonomic Inner Metrics on $SL_{2}(R)$ and $SO(3)$ 88
S.V. Bouialo Invariant Subsets of the Geodesic Flow on Rank 1 Manifolds of Nonpositive Curvature 90
K.Grove Curvature, Symmetry and Topology 90
P.E. Markov Infinitesimal Bendings of Many-Dimensional Surfaces 90
D. Millionshchikov Cohomology of Nilmanifolds, Massey Products and Symplectic Structures 90
E.V. Shkryl Infinitesimal Bendings of a Many-Dimensional Cone 91
M.Simon Approximating Metrics with Bounded Curvature Whose Lower Bound is Zero 91
S.Hellmuth Higher Order Flexibility of Bipartite Frameworks 91
O.M. Trehos Infinitesimal Bendings of Glued Surfaces 91
I.L. Zhogin Differential Fforms of Topological Charges and Quasi-Charges 91
Author's Index 93
Informations on Authors/Participants 94

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