2. Olga Pinyagina and Igor Konnov. Adaptive descent splitting method for decomposable optimization problems
3. Chiang Kao. Most favorable Russell measures of efficiency: Properties and measurement
7. Leonid Popov. On iterative methods for searching equilibrium in pure exchange economy with multiplicative utilities of its agents
11. Igor' Izmest'Ev and Viktor Ukhobotov. On a one-dimensional differential game with a non-convex terminal payoff
14. Pierre Von Mouche. The Continuous Hotelling Pure Location Game with Elastic Demand Revisited
22. Ilya Chernykh and Olga Krivonogova. On the optima localization for the three-machine routing open shop
27. Ivan Belyaev and Igor Bykadorov. Dixit-Stiglitz-Krugman Model with Nonlinear Costs
30. Michael Khachay, Yuri Ogorodnikov and Daniel Khachay. An extension of the Das-Mathieu QPTAS to the case of polylog capacity constrained CVRP in the metric space of an arbitrary fixed doubling dimension
38. Tatiana Gruzdeva. On solving the quadratic sum-of-ratios problems
39. Sergey Sevastyanov, Ilya Chernykh and Alexander Kononov. A polynomial-time algorithm for the routing flow shop problem with two machines: an asymmetric network with a fixed number of nodes
42. Alexander Strekalovskiy. Global and Local Search Methods for D.C. Constrained Problems
44. Igor Bykadorov. Investments in R&D in Monopolistic Competitive Trade Model
49. Alexander Kononov and Yulia Kovalenko. Makespan minimization for parallel jobs with energy constraint
61. Ekaterina Gromova, Denis Kuzyutin and Nadezhda Smirnova. Pareto equilibria and cooperative behavior in multistage multicriteria games with chance moves
81. Anton Eremeev. On Non-Elitist Evolutionary Algorithms Optimizing Fitness Functions with a Plateau
83. Alexander Ageev and Mikhail Ivanov. An Improved Approximation for the Coupled-Task Scheduling Problems with Equal Exact Delays
91. Igor Vasilyev, Dong Zhang and Jie Ren. Integer programming approach to the data traffic paths recovering problem
96. Anton Ushakov and Igor Vasilyev. Locating facilities under deliberate disruptive attacks
100. Oleg Zaikin and Stepan Kochemazov. Improving effectiveness of neighborhood-based algorithms for optimization of costly pseudo-Boolean black-box functions
101. Ildus Kuchkarov and Ovanes Petrosian. Open-loop Based Strategies for Autonomous Linear Quadratic Non-cooperative and Cooperative Game Models with Continuous Updating
111. Ekaterina Alekseeva, Sana Ghariani and Nicolas Wolters. Securities and cash settlement framework
132. Igor Kulachenko and Polina Kononova. A Matheuristic for the Drilling Rig Routing Problem
139. Anton Eremeev and Alexander Yurkov. On Symmetry Groups of Some Quadratic Programming Problems
140. Andrey Savchenko, Vladimir Savchenko and Lyudmila Savchenko. Optimization of Gain in Symmetrized Itakura-Saito Discrimination for Pronunciation Learning
142. Giuseppe Lancia, Eleonora Pippia and Franca Rinaldi. Using integer programming to search for counterexamples: a case study
146. Rentsen Enkhbat, Tatiana Gruzdeva and J. Enkhbayr. D.C. Constrained Optimization Approach for Solving Metal Recovery Processing Problem
148. Sergei Sidorov, Kirill Spiridonov and Michael Pleshakov. Convergence Analysis of Penalty Decomposition Algorithm for Cardinality Constrained Convex Optimization in Hilbert Spaces
150. Vitaly Zhadan. Dual Newton's Methods for Linear Second-Order Cone Programming
152. Pavel Dvurechensky, Alexander Gasnikov, Sergey Omelchenko and Alexander Tiurin. A Stable Alternative to Sinkhorn’s Algorithm for Regularized Optimal Transport
161. Ivan Rykov and Edward Gimadi. On asymptotically optimal solvability of Max m-k-Cycles Cover Problem in Norm spaces
170. Maurizio Boccia, Adriano Masone, Antonio Sforza and Claudio Sterle. Optimal location of weldings on the vehicle wiring harness: p-median based exact and heuristic approaches
Corresponding authors of the listed papers are invited to upload camera-ready versions of their papers through Easychair until April 15, 2020.
Please, login as a proceedings author and upload the files according to the instructions as follows:
1. A zipped file containing all latex sources, images, and answers to the reviewers' comments;
please, name this file paper-NNN.zip, where NNN is the number of your paper
2. PDF version of your camera-ready paper
3. Scan-copy of the Copyright form, filled and signed by the corresponding author.
The prefilled form you can download here.
1 . Rashid Yarullin. Constructing Mixed Algorithms on the Basis of Some Bundle Method
12. Sergey Lavlinskii, Artem Panin and Alexander Plyasunov. Bilevel models for investment policy in resource-rich regions
18. Adil Erzin, Alexsey Korobkin, Georgiy Melidi, Stepan Nazarenko and Roman Plotnikov. Optimal investment in the development of oil and gas field
21. Artem Pyatkin. Easy NP-hardness proofs of some subset choice problem
24. Valeriy Marakulin. On contractual approach in competitive economies with constrained coalitional structures
28. Olga Tilzo and Igor Bykadorov. Monopolistic Competition Model with Retailing
29. Aleksandr Chirkov, Nikolai Zolotykh and Dmitry Gribanov. On the Proximity of the Optimal Values of the Multi-Dimensional Knapsack Problem with and without Cardinality Constraint
32. Artem Ripatti and Vadim Kartak. Sensitive Instances of the Cutting Stock Problem
41. Andrei Orlov. On a solving bilevel d.c.-convex optimization problems
51. Alexander Smirnov and Vladimir Mazurov. About some properties of a feasible set of optimal ecosystems exploitation problem for nonlinear binary Leslie model
52. Anna Ivashko. A Game-Theoretic Approach to Team Formation in The Voice Show
56. Guzel Shkaberina, Viktor Orlov, Elena Tovbis and Lev Kazakovtsev. On the optimization models for automatic grouping of industrial products by homogeneous production batches
71. Konstantin Gluschenko. Nonlinear Models of Convergence
82. Anna Lempert, Alexander Kazakov and Quang Mung Le. On multiple coverings of fixed size containers with non-Euclidean metric by circles of two types
85. Artem Panin and Alexander Plyasunov. Stability analysis for the pricing problems
92. Alexander Ageev and Alexander Kononov. A 0.3622-Approximation Algoritm for the Maximum k-Edge-Colored Clustering Problem
105. Alexander Titov, Fedor Stonyakin, Mohammad Alkousa, Seydamet Ablaev and Alexander Gasnikov. Analogues of Switching Subgradient Schemes for Relative Lipschitz-Continuous Convex Programming Problems
110. Lev Kazakovtsev, Guzel Shkaberina, Ivan Rozhnov, Rui Li and Vladimir Kazakovtsev. Genetic algorithms with the crossover-like mutation operator for the k-means problem
115. Vladimir Shenmaier. Upper and Lower Bounds for the Discretization of Geometric Center-Based Problems
116. Ovanes Petrosian and Anna Tur. Pontryagin Maximum Principal for Class of Non-cooperative Differential Game Models with Continuous Updating
119. Konstantin Kudryavtsev, Ustav Malkov and Vladislav Zhukovskiy. Weak Berge Equilibrium
129. Irina Utkina, Olga Bukanova and Mikhail Batsyn. Fast heuristic for Vehicle Routing Problem on Trees
136. Alexander Krassovitskiy, Nenad Mladenovic and Rustam Mussabayev. Decomposition/aggregation k-means for Big Data
153. Nazary Tupitsa, Alexander Gasnikov, Pavel Dvurechensky and Sergey Guminov. Strongly Convex Optimization for the Dual Formulation of Optimal Transport
155. Kirill Antonov, Arina Buzdalova and Carola Doerr. Mutation Rate Control in (1 + λ) Evolutionary Algorithm with a Self-adjusting Lower Bound
157. Dmitry Kamzolov. Near-optimal Super-fast Second-order Method
158. Abdurakhmon Sadiev, Alexandr Beznosikov and Alexander Gasnikov. Gradient-Free Methods With Inexact Oracle For Convex-Concave Saddle-Point Problem
171. Ilya Otpuschennikov and Alexander Semenov. Using merging variables-based local search to solve special variants of MaxSAT problem
173. Anton Bassin and Maxim Buzdalov. An Experimental Study of Operator Choices in the (1+(λ,λ)) Genetic Algorithm
175. Ilaria Granata, Mario Guarracino, Lucia Maddalena and Ichcha Manipur. Network Distances for Weighted Digraphs
35. Victor Il'Ev, Svetlana Il'Eva and Alexander Morshinin. An Approximation Algorithm for a Semi-Supervised Graph Clustering Problem
86. Vladimir Khandeev and Anna Panasenko. Exact Algorithm for the One-Dimensional Quadratic Euclidean Cardinality-Weighted 2-Clustering Problem
97. Ludmila Mikhailova and Sergey Khamidullin. One problem of the sum of weighted convolution differences minimization, induced by the quasiperiodic sequence recognition problem
Corresponding authors of the listed papers are invited to upload camera-ready versions of their papers through Easychair until May 31, 2020.
Please, login as a proceedings author and upload the files according to the instructions as follows:
1. a zipped file containing all latex sources, images, and answers to the reviewers' comments; please, name this file paper-NNN.zip, where NNN is the number of your paper
2. PDF version of your camera-ready paper
3. scan-copy of the Copyright form, filled and signed by the corresponding author.
The prefilled form you can download here.