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Abstract and Paper Submission 

Authors are invited to submit their papers reporting on novel results that are not published or submitted simultaneously to any journal or another conference with refereed proceedings.
Abstract of the paper is sending by the easychair conference management system. Title of the presentation, key words, text of the abstract, and appropriate topics are included in the corresponding fields in the Easychair System.
Papers should be prepared in the Springer LNCS Format, can have 12-15 pages, and submitted in PDF. Please, follow the official Springer authors guidelines and LNCS Latex templates. All papers should be submitted through the easychair conference management system, which is available now.
Authors can send abstract without paper for oral presentation.

Conference proceedings

The conference proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series. The LNCS volume will be published before the conference. The CCIS volume will be published after the conference.

LNCS volume 12095 of the conference proceedings is out of print.  The free access for the conference participants is valid until middle of July 2020
CCIS volume 1275 of the conference proceedings is out of print. The free access for the conference participants is valid until October, 21  2020

Special Issues

Papers significantly extending the results presented at the conference MOTOR 2020, or related papers, will be considered for peer-reviewed publication in special issues of the following journals:


Optimization Letters

The journal's impact factor is 1.399, it belongs to Q2 Web of Science and Q1 Scopus SJR.
Guest editors:
Prof. Panos M. Pardalos (University of Florida, USA)
Prof. Alexander Kononov (Sobolev institute of Mathematics, Russia)
Prof. Vladimir Mazalov (Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, Russia)

Please, follow the journal's style and guidelines presented here. Manuscript submission must be made online via the journal's Editorial Manager System. To specify the special issue, please choose “SI: MOTOR-2020”.

Submission deadline: December 10, 2020  January 10, 2021


International Journal of Artificial Intelligence™

The journal belongs to Q2 Scopus SJR.
Guest editors:
Dr. Igor Vasilyev (Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory, Irkutsk, Russia),
Moscow Advanced Software Technology Lab, Huawei Russian Research Institute, Moscow, Russia
Dr. Denis Sidorov (Melentiev Energy Systems Institute, Irkutsk, Russia),
Dong Zhang (Algorithm and Technology Development Department, Global Technical Service
Department, Huawei Technologies, Co., Ltd., Dongguan, China)

Please, follow the journal's style: LaTeX style.
The papers should be sent by emails:  
Articles submission deadline: December, 15  2020 January 10, 2021  


Discrete Analysis and Operations Research 

 The journal is published at the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of SB RAS. The journal accepts original articles of theoretical or practical importance on the following topics of discrete analysis, operations research and computer science in Russian and English. The English translations of the articles are published in the Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (Scopus Q2, JSR 0,292). The papers should not exceed 20–25 pages and send by e-mail: . Please, follow the journal's style and guidelines presented here. Making your submission, please specify the special issue "MOTOR 2020".
Guest Editors:  Prof. Yury Kochetov 

Articles submission deadline: December, 15 2020 January 10, 2021