18-23 October, 2004
Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of SB RAS
Lomonosov Moscow State University and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
SB of RAS organize the current XV International workshop " Synthesis
and complexity of controlling systems". The workshop will take place
in Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok 18–23 October, 2004.
The Chairman of the organizing Committee is the academician of RAS O. B. Lupanov.
The first workshop "Synthesis and complexity of conrolling systems"
was held in L'vov in 1988. The scientists, post-graduate students, students
from Moscow, St.-Peterbourg, Novosibirsk, Nizhnii Novgorod, Kazan, Irkutsk
and other towns of Russia and from abroad take part in these workshops.
The aim of the workshop is to discuss the scientific results and to reveal
the topical directions of theoretical, methodological and practical researches
in the field of discrete mathematics, mathematical cybernetics and computer
science, as well as to coordinate the activities of scientific centers
on the following major scientific directions:
- synthesis and complexity of controlling systems,
- reliability, control and diagnostic of controlling systems,
- automata theory,
- theory of formal languages,
- graph theory,
- combinatorial analysis,
- coding theory,
- theory of functional systems,
- discrete models in natural sciences and engineering.
The workshop proceedings will be published.
Addresses of organizing Committee:
630090, Novosibirsk, pr. acad. Koptjuga, 4, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics,
laboratory of discrete analysis. (Use this address for correspondence.)
E-mail: okoln@math.nsc.ru and sintez04@ngs.ru
(Please double the messages to both addresses and indicate "Subject:
119899,Moscow, Vorob'evj gory, MSU, mechanico-mathematical department,
chair of discrete mathematics.
Contact phone numbers:
In Novosibirsk: (3832) 33-38-69 — laboratory of discrete analysis;
(3832) 33-34-97 - Science secretary of organizing Committee Okol'nishnikova
Elizaveta Antonovna;
In Moscow (095) 939-42-68 — chair of discrete mathematics.