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2006, Vol. 9, No. 1

A. V. Gavrilov
Algebraic Properties of Covariant Derivative and Composition
of Exponential Maps ____________________________________________________3
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 16, N 3, 54-70 (2006).
Abstract: PDF

I. G. Ganiev and K. K. Kudaybergenov
The Banach—Steinhaus Uniform Boundedness Principle for Operators
in Banach—Kantorovich Spaces over L0 ____________________________________ 21
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 16, N 3, 42-53 (2006).
Abstract: PDF

I. R. Kayumov
Boundary Behavior of Analytic Riesz Products in the Disk_______________________ 34
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 16, N 3, 82-98 (2006).
Abstract: PDF

E. N. Lomakina and V. D. Stepanov
Asymptotic Estimates for the Approximation and Entropy Numbers
of a One-Weight Riemann—Liouville Operator ________________________________ 52
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 17, N 1, 1-36 (2007).
Abstract: PDF

E. V. Nikitenko
Seven-Dimensional Homogeneous Einstein Manifolds of Negative
Sectional Curvature ___________________________________________________ 101
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 16, N 3, 99-114 (2006).
Abstract: PDF

V. Yu. Popov
NP-Completeness of the Dictionary Generation Problem _______________________ 117
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 16, N 3, 115-125 (2006).
Abstract: PDF

E. D. Rodionov, V. V. Slavskij, and L. N. Chibrikova
Locally Conformally Homogeneous Pseudo-Riemannian Spaces__________________ 130
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 17, N 3, 186-212 (2007).
Abstract: PDF

M. A. Cheshkova
Congruences of Hyperspheres ___________________________________________ 169
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 16, N 4, 1-7 (2006).
Abstract: PDF

V. V. Chistyakov
A Pointwise Selection Principle for Functions of a Single Variable with Values
in a Uniform Space ____________________________________________________ 176
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 16, N 3, 15-41 (2006).
Abstract: PDF

Last page____________________________________________________________ 204

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