1912 Born in St.-Petersburg, April 1912 in the family
of Vitalij Moiseevich Kantorovich and Paulina Saks.
1926-1930 A student of Mathematical Department, Faculty
of Physics and Math ematics, Leningrad State University.
1929 The first research papers in mathematics.
1930 Participation in the First All-Union Mathematical
Congress (Kharkov) with two reports.
1930-1932 A postgraduate student of the Faculty of
Physics and Mathematics, Leningrad State University.
1930-1948 An assistant, assistant professor since
1931, professor since 1932, head of department of the higher mathematics
in the Highest Engineering Navy School.
1931-1940, 1945-1949 A research associate, head of
the mathematical depart ment of the Research Institute of Mathematics
and Mechanics of Leningrad State University since 1939.
1932-1960 Associated professor, professor of Calculus,
head of chair of Numerical mathematics, Leningrad State University.
1933 Book: Variatsionnoe ischislenie (Calculus of
variations), Leningrad, 204pp. (coaut. V. I. Krylov, V. I. Smirnov).
1934 Awarded a professor degree.
1935 Awarded a D. Sc. degree in physics and
mathematics without defending thesis.
1936 Book: Melody pnbhzhennogo resheniya uravnenij
v chastiiykh proizvodnykh (Methods of-approximate solution of partial
derivative equations), Leningrad, 528 pp. (coaut. V. I. Krylov;
next editions of this book had another title, see below).
1937-1938 Awarded the first prize in mathematics
at the Leningrad competition of young research works (1937) and at the
All-Union competition of young research works (1938) for the paper Functional
analysis using the theory of semi-ordered spaces.
1939 Book: Matemaiicheskie melody organizatsii i
planirovaniya proizvodstva (Mathematical methods of production management
and planning), Leningrad, 68 pp. (next edition — 1959, English translations:
1960, 1964, 1965, and this edi tion) .
1939-1941 Editor-in-chief of Ifchenye zapiski LGU,
Series of mathematics.
1940 Book: Opredelennye integraly i ryady Fur'e (Definite
integrals and Fourier series), Leningrad, 248 pp.
1940-1941 Chairman of the mathematical section of
Leningrad House of Scien tists.
1941 Book: Priblizhennye melody vysshego analiza
(Approximate methods of higher analysis), Leningrad, 618 pp. (coaut.
V. I. Krylov; next editions — 1949, 1950, 1952,
1962; Hungarian translation — 1952; Rumanian translation —
1956; English translation — 1958; German translation —
1946 Book: Teoriya veroyatnostej (Probability theory),
Leningrad, 153 pp.
1941-1948 In military service (Leningrad-Yaroslavl').
1945-1960 Senior research associate, head of approximate
computing depart ment in the Leningrad branch of the Mathematical Institute
(named after V. A. Steklov) of the Academy of Science of the
1949 Awarded Stalin prize for the papers in functional
analysis published in 1947-48: On the general theory of approximate
methods in analysis, Functional analysis and applied mathematics, On
the Newton method for functional equations.
1949 Book: Raschet ratsional'nogo raskroya promyshlennykh
materialov (Calculation of rational stock cutting), Leningrad, 198 pp.
(coaut. V. A. Zaigaller; next edition — 1971; Chinese translation
— 1951; Rumanian translation — 1972).
1950 Book: Funkcional'nyj analiz v noluuporyadochennykh
proslranstvakh (Functional analysis in semi-ordered spaces), Leningrad,
548 pp. (coaut. B. Z. Vu likh, A. G. Pmsker,
Chinese translation 1960, Shankhai).
1958 Elected as a corresponding member of the Academy
of Science of the U.S.S.R.
1958-1960 Deputy head of the laboratory for applying
statistical and mathemat ical methods in economics in Siberian branch
of the Academy of Science of the U.S.S.R.
1959 Book: Funktsional'nyj analiz v normirovannykh
prostranstvakh (Functional analysis in norrned spaces), Moscow, 684 pp.
(coaut. G. P. Akilov; next editions — 1977, 1984;
English translation — 1964, 1980; German translation —
1964; Japan edition — 1967; Spain translation —
1980; French translation — 1981).
1959 Book: Ekonomicheski] raschet nazlvchshego inspol'zovaniya
reswsov (Eco nomical calculation of the best use of resources), Moscow,
344 pp. (second printing — 1960; Polish translation —
1961; French translation — 1963; English translation —
1965; Japan translation — 1965; Rumanian translation —
1966; Slovakian translation — 1969; Slovenian translation —
1960 Awarded an honorary diploma of the Operations
Research Society of America for the best work on the operations research
published in the U.S.A. in the I960 (Translation of Mathematical methods
of the industry organization and planning, 1939).
1960-1970 Vice-director of the Mathematical Institute,
Siberian Branch Academy of Science, Novosibirsk.
1960-1970 Professor, head of Department of Numerical
Mathematics of Novosi birsk State University.
1964 Elected as a member of the Academy of Sciences
of the U.S.S.R.
1965 Awarded the Lenin Prize for the research in
linear programming methods and economic models (with V. S. Nemchinov
and V. V. Novozhilov).
1966 Doctor Honoris Causa of Laws of the Glasgow
1966 Doctor Honoris Causa of Science of Warsaw Higher
School of Planning and Statistics.
1966 Elected as Fellow of the International Econometric
Society (U.S.A.).
1966 Doctor Honoris Causa of Laws of Grenoble University.
1967 Elected as a Honorary Member of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences.
1968 Doctor Honoris Causa of Science of Nice University.
1969 Elected as a Foreign Honorary Member of the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston
1969 Doctor Honoris Causa of Science of Helsinki
1970 Doctor Honoris Causa of political economy of
Munchen University.
1971 Book: Optimal'nye resheniya v ekonomike (Optimal
decisions in economics), Moscow, 231 pp. (coaut. A. B. Gorstko;
Polish translation — 1976; Slovakian translation —
1971-1976 Heads a Problem Laboratory of the Institute
of National Economic Management of State Committee of Science and Technology
of the U.S.S.R.
1971-1986 A member of the State Committee of Science
and Technology.
1973 Fellow of the International Econometric Society,
1974-1986 A vice-chairman of Science Council on price
formation problems of State Price Committee of the U.S.S.R. Council
of Ministers and Academy of Science.
1975 Awarded a Nobel Memorial Prize in the economic
sciences with Tjalling C. Koopmans for 'their contributions to
the theory of optimum allocation of resources'.
1975 Doctor Honoris Causa of Laws of the Paris University-I
1976 Elected as a Board member of the International
Econometric Society.
1976 Doctor Honoris Causa of Science of the Cambridge
1976 Doctor Honoris Causa of Science of the Pennsylvania
1976-1986 Heads a Department of modelling technology
development of the In stitute of System Research, the State Committee
of Science and Technology and the Academy of Sciences.
1977 Foreign member of the Academy of Sciences of
German Democratic Republic.
1977 Corresponding member of the National Engineering
Academy of Mexico.
1978 Honorary Doctor of Science of the Indian Statistical
Institute, Calcutta.
1980 Foreign member of the Yugoslavian Academy of
Science and Arts, Zagreb.
1981 Awarded a Bronze medal of the Prague Higher
Economic School for services in the school development.
1983 Participation in the International Symposium
Science to the World dedicated to A. Nobel and G. Galilei.
1984 Elected as an Honorary Member of the International
Control Institute, Ire land.
1984 Doctor Honoris Causa of Economic Sciences of
the Martin-Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg.
1986 Awarded the Great Silver medal of Operational
Research Society (Birming ham) for 'the pioneering role in the linear
programming development'.