Bukhvalov A.V., Gutman A.E., Korotkov V.B., Kusraev A.G., Kutateladze S.S., Makarov B.M.
Vector lattices and integral operators.
Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1996. ix+462 p.

This volume is devoted to modern accomplishments in the field of vector lattices and integral operators which were achieved in Russia during the last two decades. Nonstandard methods are eleborated for the analysis of vector lattices and positive operators. Much attention is paid to studying stability under multiplication by an arbitrary bounded operator for various classes of operators which are defined in terms of order. Also, several approaches are treated to the solution of the J. von Neumann problem on the conditions for integrality of a linear operator, and full information is given on the solution of some problems posed by P.Halmos and V.Sunder.

This book is intended for mathematicians, students and postgraduates interested in functional analysis, operator theory, geometry of Banach spaces and vector lattices.
Type Monograph
Authors Bukhvalov Alexander Vasilievich
Gutman Alexander Efimovich
Korotkov Vitaly Borisovich
Kusraev Anatoly Georgievich
Kutateladze Semen Samsonovich
Makarov Boris Mikhajlovich
Title Vector lattices and integral operators
Address Dordrecht
Publishers Kluwer
Year 1996
Size ix+462 pages
ISBN 978-94-010-6571-9
DOI 10.1007/978-94-009-0195-7
Language English
© 1996.01.01
Project  Order analysis 
Development of the theory of lattice-normed spaces and dominated operators
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July 19, 2018