Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V.
Distribution of finite-dimensional and separable stalks of an ample Banach bundle //
Doklady Math. 2014. V. 89, N 3. P. 319--320.
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@article { Gutman20131024,
author = "Gutman A.E. and Koptev A.V.",
title = "Distribution of finite-dimensional and separable stalks of an ample Banach bundle",
journal = "Doklady Math.",
year = "2014",
volume = "89",
number = "3",
pages = "319--320",
doi = "10.1134/S1064562414030168",
annote = "The topological characteristics are studied of the set of points at which the stalks of an ample Banach bundle are finite-dimensional or separable. A connection is established between the property of the stalks of a bundle to be finite-dimensional or separable with the analogous property of the stalks of the ample hull of the bundle. A new criterion is obtained for existence of the dual bundle."