Gutman A.E., Kononenko L.I.
Formalization of inverse problems and applications to systems of equations with parameters //
Тезисы доклада. Геометрический анализ и теория управления. Международная конференция (Новосибирск, 8--12 декабря 2016 г.): Тез. докладов. Новосибирск: Институт математики им. С.Л.Соболева СО РАН, 2016. С. 40--42.
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@inproceedings { Gutman20161211,
author = "Gutman A.E. and Kononenko L.I.",
title = "Formalization of inverse problems and applications to systems of equations with parameters",
booktitle = "Геометрический анализ и теория управления. Международная конференция (Новосибирск, 8--12 декабря 2016 г.): Тез. докладов",
address = "Новосибирск",
publisher = "Институт математики им. С.Л.Соболева СО РАН",
year = "2016",
pages = "40--42",
annote = "We show how binary correspondences can be used for simple formalization of the notion of problem, definition of the basic components of problems, their properties, and constructions (the condition of a problem, its data and unknowns, solvability and unique solvability of a problem, inverse problem, composition and restriction of problems, etc.). As an illustration, we consider a system of differential equations which describe a process in chemical kinetics, as well as the inverse problem."