Recent talks given by Victor Alexandrov
A flexible polyhedron without self-intersections in Euclidean 3-space, all of whose dihedral angles change during a flex (in Russian).
Conference ''Geometry Days – 2024'', August 26–30, 2024,
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia
A flexible polyhedron without self-intersections in Euclidean 3-space, all of whose dihedral angles change during the flex (online, in Rusian,
joint work with E.P. Volokitin,
slides 1– 20,
slides 21– 40).
Discrete Geometry and Geometry of Numbers under the scientific supervision of N.P. Dolbilin, N.G. Moshchevitin, M.D. Kovalev, and I.Kh. Sabitov.
May 21, 2024,
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
On the existence of two affine-equivalent frameworks with prescribed edge lengths in Euclidean d-space (in Russian).
Conference ''Geometry Days – 2023'', August 28—September 1, 2023,
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia
How to decide whether two convex octahedra are affinely equivalent using their natural developments only (in Russian).
Conference ''Geometry Days – 2022'', August 29—September 2, 2022,
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia
Recognition of affine-equivalent polyhedra by their natural developments (online, in Rusian).
Seminar ``Discrete Geometry and Geometry of Numbers'' under the scientific supervision of N.P. Dolbilin, N.G. Moshchevitin, and M.D. Kovalev.
February 15, 2022,
Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Recognition of affine-equivalent polyhedra by their natural developments (online).
International conference on Geometry in the Large dedicated to the 90th birthday of Victor Toponogov, August 16–20, 2021,
Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Sufficient condition for a polyhedron to be rigid and necessary conditions for the extendibility of a first-order flex of a polyhedron to its flex (online).
Workshop on the Geometry of Circle Packings, April 12–16, 2021,
Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada
Flexible polyhedra that are not homeomorphic to the sphere (online, in Russian).
Seminar of chair “Differential geometry and applications”, March 22, 2021,
Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The spectrum of the Laplacian in a domain bounded by a flexible polyhedron in Euclidean space does not always remain unaltered during the flex (online).
Workshop “Circle Packings and Geometric Rigidity”, July 6–10, 2020,
ICERM, Providence, USA
Last updated: August 30, 2024