
List of publications
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  • Evgeny Fominykh, Vladimir Turaev, Andrei Vesnin
    Complexity of virtual 3-manifolds arXiv:1609.06813
    to appear in Sbornik: Mathematics, 207:11 (2016).

  • Andrei Yu. Vesnin, Dusan D. Repovs
    On Gehring-Martin-Tan groups with an elliptic generator arXiv:1609.05044
    Journal-ref: Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 94:2 (2016), 326-336.

  • Evgeny Fominykh, Vladimir Turaev, Andrei Vesnin
    Three-dimensional manifolds with poor spines arXiv:1505.05795
    Journal-ref: Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 288 (2015), 29-38.

  • Evgeny Fominykh, Stavros Garoufalidis, Matthias Goerner, Vladimir Tarkaev, Andrei Vesnin
    A census of tetrahedral hyperbolic manifolds arXiv:1502.00383
    Journal-ref: Experimental Mathematics 25:4 (2016), 466-481.

  • Valeriy G. Bardakov, Krishnendu Gongopadhyay, Mahender Singh, Andrei Vesnin, Jie Wu
    Some Problems on Knots, Braids, and Automorphism Groups arXiv:1501.05424
    Journal-ref: Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, Volume 12 (2015), 394-405.

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