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[96] A.Yu. Vesnin, V.G. Turaev, E.A. Fominykh, Complexity of virtual 3-manifolds, Sbornik: Mathematics 207:11 (2016) (in press). [95] D. Repovs, A. Vesnin, On Gehring-Martin-Tan groups with an elliptic generator, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 94:2 (2016), 326-336. [94] E. Molnar, J. Szirmai, A. Vesnin, Geodesic and translation ball packings generated by prismatic tessellations of the universal cover of SL(2,R), Results in Mathematics, 19 pp. (in press) [93] E. Fominykh, S. Garoufalidis, M. Goerner, V. Tarkaev, A. Vesnin, A census of tetrahedral hyperbolic manifolds, Experimental Mathematics 25:4 (2016), 466-481. [92] V.G. Bardakov, K. Gongopadhyay, M. Singh, A. Vesnin, J. Wu, Some problems on knots, braids, and automorphism groups, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports 12 (2015), 394-405. [91] A.Yu. Vesnin, V.G. Turaev, E.A. Fominykh, Three-dimensional manifolds with poor spines, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 288:1 (2015), 29-38. [90] A. Vesnin, A. Masley, Two-generator subgroups of PSL(2,C) which are extremal for the Jorgensen inequality and its analogues, Proceedings of the seminar of vector and tensor analysis in honor of P.K. Rashevsky, Moscow State University, in press. (pdf-file) (Russian) [89] Yu.I. Shokin, A.Yu. Vesnin, A.A. Dobrynin, O.A. Klimenko, E.V. Rychkova, Analysis of a web space of academic communities by methods of webometrics and graph theory Information technologies 12 (2014), 31-40 (Russian) [88] A.A. Dobrynin, A.Y. Vesnin, On deletion-contraction polynomials for polycyclic chains, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 72:3 (2014), 845-864. [87] A.Yu.Vesnin, V. V.Tarkaev, E. A. Fominykh, Cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds of complexity 10 having maximum volume, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 289:1 (2015), 227-239. [86] A.Yu. Vesnin, A.V. Masley On Jorgensen numbers and their analogs for groups of figure-eight orbifolds, Siberian Math. Journal 55:5 (2014), 807-816. [85] A.Yu.Vesnin, E.A.Fominykh, Two-sided bounds for the complexity of hyperbolic three-manifolds with geodesic boundary, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 286 (2014), 55-64. [84] A.Yu. Vesnin, V.V. Tarkaev, E.A. Fominykh, On the complexity of three-dimensional cusped hyperbolic manifolds, Doklady Mathematics 89:3 (2014), 267-270. [83] E. Molnar, J, Szirmai, A. Vesnin, Packing by translation balls in ~SL(2,C), Journal of Geometry 105:2 (2014), 287-306. (pdf-file) [82] Yu.I. Shokin, A.Yu. Vesnin, A.A. Dobrynin, O.A. Klimenko, E.V. Rychkova, I.S. Petrov, Investigation of the academic web space of the Republic of Serbia Zbornik radova konferencije MIT 2013, Belgrad, Serbia, 2014. 601-607. (Russian) (pdf-file) [81] Yu.I. Shokin, A.Yu. Vesnin, A.A. Dobrynin, O.A. Klimenko, E.V. Konstantinova, E.V. Rychkova, M.Yu. Savin, Studying of scientific web space by webometrics and graph theory methods, Zbornik radova konferencije MIT 2013, Belgrad, Serbia, 2014. 590-600. (Russian) (pdf-file) [80] A.Yu. Vesnin, E.V. Konstantinova, M.Yu. Savin, On scenarios of joining new sites to the SB RAS web-space, Vestnik of the Novosibirsk State University. Series: Information Technologies. 11:4 (2013), 28-37. (Russian) (pdf-file) [79] P. Buser, A. Mednykh, A. Vesnin, Lambert cube and Loebell polyhedron revisited, Advances in Geometry, 12:3 (2012), 525--548. (pdf-file) [78] A. Vesnin, E Fominykh, On complexity of three-dimensional hyperbolic three-manifolds with geodesic boundary, Siberian Math. J. 53:4 (2012), 625-634. [77] V.G. Bardakov, A.Yu. Vesnin, M.K. Yadav, Class preserving automorphisms of unitriangular groups, International Journal of Algebra and Computations, 22:3 (2012), 1250023-1 - 1250023-17. arXiv:1109.4710 [76] V. Bardakov, A. Vesnin, B. Wiest, Dynnikov coordinates on virtual braid groups, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 21:5 (2012), 1250052-1 - 1250052-10. arXiv:1103.4441 [75] P. Cristifori, T. Kozlovskaya, A. Vesnin, Cyclic generalizations of two hyperbolic icosahedral manifolds, Topology and Its Applications, 159:8 (2012), 2071-2081. arXiv:1110.3134 [74] Y.I. Shokin, A.Y. Vesnin, A.A. Dobrynin, O.A. Klimenko, H.V. Rychkova, I.S. Petrov, Investigation of the academic Web space of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Computational Technologies 17:6 (2012), 85-98. (Russian) [73] A.Yu. Vesnin, S.V. Matveev, E.A. Fominykh,Complexity of 3-dimensional manifolds: exact values and estimates, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Report, 8 (2011), 341-364. (Russian) [72] A.Yu. Vesnin, Invariants of spatial graphs and Coxeter groups, Bulletin of Kemerovo State University 3/1(47) (2011), 38-49. (Russian) [71] E.A. Fominykh, A.Yu. Vesnin, Exact Values of Complexity for Paoluzzi - Zimmermann Manifolds, Doklady Mathematics 84:1 (2011), 542-544. arXiv:1105.2542 [70] A. Vesnin, T. Kozlovskaya, Branched Cyclic Coverings of Lens Spaces, Siberian Math. J. 52:3 (2011), 426-435. (pdf-file of the preprint version) [69] D. Repovs, A. Vesnin, Two-sided bounds for the volume of right-angled hyperbolic polyhedra, Math. Notes 89:1 (2011), 31-36. arXiv:1104.3437 [68] A. Vesnin, Volumes and Normalized Volumes of Right-Angled Hyperbolic Polyhedra, Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena Reggio Emilia 57 (2010), 159-169. (pdf-file) [67] A. Litvintseva, A. Vesnin, On Linking of Hamiltonian Pairs of Cycles in Spatial Graphs, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports 7 (2010), 383-393. (Russian) [66] A. Cattabriga, M. Mulazzani, A. Vesnin, Complexity, Heegaard diagrams and generalized Dunwoody manifolds, J. Korean Math. Soc. 47:3 (2010), 585-599. arXiv:0901.2288 [65] E. Molnar, J. Szirmai, A. Vesnin, Projective metric realizations of cone-manifold with singularities along 2-bridge knots and links, J. of Geometry 95 (2009), 91-133. (pdf-file) [64] C. Petronio, A. Vesnin, Two-sided asymptotic bounds for the complexity of cyclic branched coverings of two-bridge links, Osaka J. 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Vesnin, Generalized Takahashi manifolds, Osaka Math. J. 39:3 (2002), 705-721. [46] A. Mednykh, A. Vesnin, On the volume of hyperbolic Whitehead link cone-manifolds, SCIENTIA, Series A: Mathematical Science, 8 (2002), 1-11. [45] A. Mednykh, A. Vesnin, B. Zimmermann, Surgery on small volume hyperbolic 3-orbifolds, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh. 42:2 (2001), 318-331 (Russian), translated in Siberian Math.J. 42:2 (2001), 271-281. [44] A. Vesnin, B. Zimmermann, On Medial links and hyperbolic 3-manifolds with large isometry groups, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 50 (2001), 347-358. (ps-file) [43] A. Mednykh, A. Vesnin, Coxeter groups and branched coverings of lens spaces, J. Korean Math. Soc. 38:6 (2001), 1167-1178. [42] A. Szczepanski, A. Vesnin, HNN Extension of Cyclically Presented Groups, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 10:8 (2001), 1269-1279. [41] A. Cavicchioli, D. Repovs, A. Vesnin, Recent results on the topology of three-manifolds, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. 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