• Desember, 16 2020 New deadlines for submitting articles to special issues:
Optimization Letters January 10, 2021
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence January 10, 2021
Discrete Ananlisys and Operations Research January 10, 2021
• September, 28 2020 In the section Special Issues, information about the rules and deadlines has appeared.
• September, 21 2020 CCIS volume 1275 of the conference proceedings is out of print.
The free access for the conference participants is valid until October, 21 2020
• September, 4 2020 The September newsletter with information about the MOTOR 20202 was released on the IFORS website. ifors-news-sept2020.pdf
• July, 22 2020 Video of the Opening sessions, Round Table session "Industry applications", and Closing session
• July, 10 2020 In sections Invited Speakers and Tutorials there are video of all plenary lectures and tutorials
• July, 3 2020 ZOOM link to Organizing Committee July, 6 - July, 10 12:00 - 21:00 (GMT+7)
• July, 3 2020 Test Session July, 3 - July, 5 13:00 - 15:00 (GMT+7)
• June, 26 2020 ZOOM manual for participants (English) (Russian)
• June, 17 2020 LNCS volume 12095 of the conference proceedings is out of print.
The free access for the conference participants is valid until end of July 2020
• June, 15 2020 Technical program are published. Schedule compiled in Novosibirsk time (GMT +7).
Zoom links will be available on session days.
• May, 11 2020
Dear colleagues,
Due to the difficult situation all around the world related to the COVID-19 pandemic, MOTOR 2020 Conference will only take place online, via Zoom https://zoom.us/ on the originally planned dates: July, 6-10 2020.
The conference is now free to attend.
• April, 21 2020
Dear colleagues,
In spite of the COVID-19, we sure that the MOTOR 2020 international conference will be held on time.
We understand that this conference is important for lively communication of colleagues.
We hope that many participants will be able to come to Novosibirsk and take part at
the conference.
Those who cannot come will get online access to sessions, including making own presentation,
answering questions, and discussions.
The LNCS and CCIS Proceedings will be published and all participants will get free
access to these papers.
We hope for the best and try to support our scientific community!
• March, 27 2020:
List of papers accepted to LNCS Conference proceedings
Camera-ready version: April, 15 2020 Copyright form LNCS
List of papers accepted to CCIS Conference proceedings
Camera-ready version: May, 31 2020 Copyright form CCIS
• March, 11 2020: Starting the registration on MOTOR Optimization Contest 2020 - a free open competition.
• February, 13 2020: Full paper submission extended to March, 1
• January, 21 2020: Abstract submission extended to February, 14
• December, 11 2019: Special Streams Announcement
• October, 2 2019: The first Call for Papers
International conference “Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research” (MOTOR 2020)
will be held on July 6-10, 2020, near Novosibirsk Scientific Center, Russia, at the Resort Hotel “Sosnovka” in a picturesque pine forest on the Ob River bay.
The aims of the conference is to bring together a wide research community in the fields of mathematical programming and global optimization, discrete optimization, complexity theory and combinatorial algorithms, games and their applications in relevant practical problems of operations research, mathematical economy, and data analysis.
MOTOR 2020 is the second international conference, bringing together four well-known Russian and international conferences which were held in Ural, Siberia, and the Far East for a long time:
• Baikal International Triennial School Seminar on Methods of Optimization and Their Applications
• Mathematical Programming and Applications http://mpa.imm.uran.ru/96/en
• Discrete Optimization and Operations Research http://www.math.nsc.ru/conference/door/2016/
• Optimization Problems and their Applications http://opta18.oscsbras.ru/en/
Previous meteengs MOTOR 2019 was held on July 2019 near Ekaterinburg.
• theory of mathematical optimization
• integer programming and combinatorial optimization
• global optimization, stochastic integer programming, multi-objective programming
• computational complexity of combinatorial optimization problems
• approximation algorithms and schemes
• heuristics and metaheuristics for decision making and artificial intelligence
• game theory, mathematical economics, and multilevel programming
• optimization in machine learning and data analysis
• applications in operations research: scheduling, routing, facility location, packing and cutting, supply chain, etc.
• Abstract submission
• Full paper submission
• Notification of acceptance
• Camera ready version LNCS
• Camera ready version CCIS
• Conference dates
January 17 February 14 2020February 14 March 1 2020
March 20 2020
April 15 2020
May 31 2020
July, 6-10, 2020
Yury Kochetov
Organizing Committee MOTOR 2020
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Akademika Koptyuga aven., 4 Novosibirsk. 630090. Russia
E-mail: motor@math.nsc.ru
Phone (383) 329-75-83
ZOOM link to Organizing Committee July, 3 - July, 6 12:00 - 17:00 (GMT+7)