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1999, Vol. 2, No. 2

S. G. Gorokhova and È. Yu. Emel'yanov
A Sufficient Condition for Order Boundedness of an Attractor for a Positive Mean Ergodic Operator in a Banach Lattice _____________________________________________ 3
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 9, N 3, 78-85 (1999).
Abstract: PDF

G. N. Dyubin
An Asymptotic Value of a Cooperative Game with Infinitely Many Disparate
Participants __________________________________________________________ 12
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 10, N 2, 1-8 (2000).
Abstract: PDF

S. A. Klokov
Asymptotic Representation for the Distributions of Sums of Weakly Dependent
Variables ____________________________________________________________ 21
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 10, N 4, 68-104 (2000).
Abstract: PDF

A. A. Mogul'skii and B. A. Rogozin
Random Walks in the Positive Quadrant. I. Local Theorems _____________________ 57
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 10, N 1, 34-72 (2000).
Abstract: PDF

A. Ya. Narmanov
On the Geometry of Totally Geodesic Riemannian Foliations ____________________ 98
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 10, N 2, 104-111 (2000).
Abstract: PDF

Yu. G. Nikonorov
On Two Problems of Convex Geometry ____________________________________ 107
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 9, N 4, 59-65 (1999).
Abstract: PDF

A. N. Skiba and L. A. Shemetkov
Multiply ω-Local Formations and Fitting Classes of Finite Groups ________________ 114
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 10, N 2, 112-141 (2000).
Abstract: PDF

V. G. Yakhno and I. Z. Merazhov
Direct Problems and a One-dimensional Inverse Problem of Electroelasticity
for "Slow" Waves _____________________________________________________ 148
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 10, N 1, 87-150 (2000).
Abstract: PDF

Last page ___________________________________________________________ 213

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