2001, Vol. 4, No. 1
I. S. Borisov and L. A. Sakhanenko
The Central Limit Theorem for Generalized Canonical von Mises Statistics ___________ 3
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 10, N 4, 1-14 (2000).
Abstract: PDF
Yu. L. Ershov
Separable Conservativity _______________________________________________ 18
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 11, N 4, 41-46 (2001).
Abstract: PDF
K. Zh. Kudaibergenov
On the Fixed Field of a Generic Automorphism _______________________________ 25
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 11, N 2, 25-34 (2001).
Abstract: PDF
E. G. Lazareva
Study of the Range of Sums of a Vector Series by Multiplying the Rearrangements
of a Series by Real Numbers _____________________________________________ 36
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 11, N 4, 68-97 (2001).
Abstract: PDF
A. A. Mogul'skii and B. A. Rogozin
Random Walks in the Positive Quadrant. III _________________________________ 68
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 11, N 2, 35-59 (2001).
Abstract: PDF
A. Ya. Narmanov
On Stability of Totally Controlled Systems ___________________________________ 94
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 11, N 4, 110-125 (2001).
Abstract: PDF
Yu. V. Nikonorova
On One Extremal Problem on the Euclidean Plane ____________________________ 111
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 11, N 3, 49-59 (2001).
Abstract: PDF
S. G. Pyatkov
Interpolation of Weighted Sobolev Spaces __________________________________ 122
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 10, N 3, 83-132 (2000).
Abstract: PDF
S. V. Sudoplatov
On Classification of Group Polygonometries _________________________________ 174
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 11, N 3, 98-125 (2001).
Abstract: PDF
Last page ___________________________________________________________ 202