2016, Vol. 19, No. 1
V. N. Berestovski{\u\i}, I. A. Zubareva, and V. M. Svirkin
The Spectra of the Laplace Operators on Connected Compact Simple Lie Groups
of Rank 3
______________________________________________________________ 3
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 26, N 3, 153-181 (2016).
Abstract: PDF
A. A. Borovkov
Stability Theorems and the Second-Order Asymptotics in Threshold Phenomena for Boundary Functionals of Random Walks ______________________________________________ 46
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 26, N 4, 231-246 (2016).
Abstract: PDF
K. Zh. Kudaibergenov
The Small Index Property and the Cofinality of the Automorphism Group _____________ 70
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 27, N 1, 1-15 (2017).
Abstract: PDF
V. N. Pavlenko and D. K. Potapov
Existence of Solutions to a Nonvariational Elliptic Boundary Value Problem with Parameter and Discontinuous Nonlinearity
_____________________________________________ 91
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 27, N 1, 16-25 (2017).
Abstract: PDF
S. N. Popova
Zero-One Laws for Random Graphs with Vertices in a Boolean Cube ________________ 106
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 27, N 1, 26-75 (2017).
Abstract: PDF
S. G. Pyatkov and E. I. Safonov
On Some Classes of Inverse Problems of Recovering a Source Function
______________ 178
Translated into English: Siberian Adv. Math., V. 27, N 2, 119-132 (2017).
Abstract: PDF
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