Gutman A.E.
Banach bundles in the theory of lattice-normed spaces. III. Approximating sets and bounded operators //
Siberian Adv. Math. 1994. V. 4, N 2. P. 54–75.

Two questions in the general theory of lattice-normed spaces (LNSs) are considered. First, the situation is studied when a subset of an LNS is order dense in the entire LNS; the notion of order approximation is introduced and described from various points of view. Second, the situation is studied when a linear operator from one LNS to another is order bounded; several different types of boundedness are introduced and studied in detail.

Keywords:vector lattice, lattice-normed space, order approximating set, order bounded linear operator.
Type Article
Authors Gutman Alexander Efimovich
Title Banach bundles in the theory of lattice-normed spaces. III. Approximating sets and bounded operators
Journal Siberian Advances in Mathematics
Year 1994
Volume 4
Number 2
Pages 54–75
Language English
© 1993.04.03
Project  Order analysis 
Development of the theory of lattice-normed spaces and dominated operators
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July 19, 2018