Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V.
Spaces of CD₀-sections and CD₀-homomorphisms of Banach bundles [in Russian] //
Vestn. Novosib. Gos. Univ., Ser. Mat. Mekh. Inform. 2007. V. 7, issue 4. P. 27–48.

In the paper, the space CD₀(Q,X) = C(Q,X) + c₀(Q,X) is considered whose elements are the sums of continuous and discrete sections of a Banach bundle X over a compact Hausdorff space Q without isolated points. As is known, this space is isometric to the space C(Q*,X*) of continuous sections of some Banach bundle X* over the compact space Q* = Q x {0,1} (with a special topology). We clarify the connection between X and X* on the example of subbundles as well as bundles obtained by continuous change of variables and by restriction onto a topological subspace. In addition, we introduce and study the space CD₀[X,Y] of CD₀-homomorphisms of Banach bundles X and Y and show that is possesses some properties analogous to those of the space of CD₀-sections.

Keywords:continuous Banach bundle, section of a Banach bundle, Banach C(Q)-module, homomorphism of Banach bundles, homomorphism of C(Q)-modules.
Type Article
Authors Gutman Alexander Efimovich
Koptev Alexander Viktorovich
Title Spaces of CD₀-sections and CD₀-homomorphisms of Banach bundles
Journal Vestnik NGU. Seriya: Matematika, Mekhanika, Informatika
Year 2007
Volume 7
Issue 4
Pages 27–48
Language Russian
© 2007.08.20
Project  Continous-discrete functions 
Study of the spaces constituted by the sums of continuous and discrete functions
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July 19, 2018