Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V.
Spaces of CD₀-functions and CD₀-sections of Banach bundles //
Сиб. электрон. матем. изв. 2009. Т. 6. С. 219–242.

We first briefly expose some crucial phases in studying the space CD₀(Q) = C(Q) + c₀(Q) whose elements are the sums of continuous and “discrete” functions defined on a compact Hausdorff space Q without isolated points. (In this part, special emphasis is on describing the compact space Q* representing the Banach lattice CD₀(Q) as C(Q*).) The rest of the article is dedicated to the analogous frame related to the space CD₀(Q,X) of “continuous-discrete” sections of a Banach bundle X and the space of CD₀-homomorphisms of Banach bundles.

Keywords:Banach lattice, AM-space, Alexandroff duplicate, continuous Banach bundle, section of a Banach bundle, Banach C(Q)-module, homomorphism of Banach bundles, homomorphism of C(Q)-modules.
Вид Статья
Форма Электронная
Авторы Гутман Александр Ефимович
Коптев Александр Викторович
Название Spaces of CD₀-functions and CD₀-sections of Banach bundles
Журнал Сибирские электронные математические известия
Год 2009
Том 6
Страницы 219–242
Язык Английский
© 2008.11.18
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