Gutman A.E.
The technique of definable terms in Boolean valued analysis //
Report abstract. Mal'tsev Meeting. International Conference (Novosibirsk, November 11–15, 2013): Proceedings. Novosibirsk, 2013. P. 164.

A syntax technique related to the notion of Δ₁ term is demonstrated by means of its applications to Boolean-valued analysis. As an example, the following question is considered: Which of the classical approaches to the definition of the field R of reals and which Boolean algebras provide the explicit inclusion of R^ in R inside the Boolean-valued universe V(B)?
Type Report abstract
Form Electronic
Authors Gutman Alexander Efimovich
Title The technique of definable terms in Boolean valued analysis
Book Mal'tsev Meeting. International Conference (Novosibirsk, November 11–15, 2013): Proceedings
Address Novosibirsk
Year 2013
Pages 164
Language English
© 2013.11.14
Project  Boolean-valued analysis 
Development of the theory of Boolean-valued models and their applications in functional analysis
The papers are presented here for academic purposes and are not intended for mass dissemination or copying. Last updated
July 19, 2018