16. | Gutman A.E., Kusraev A.G. Boolean valued analysis and the Wickstead problem [in Russian] // Chapter in: Mathematical Forum. Vol. 14. Modern Mathematics. Introductory Lectures (Project OTDE-Workshop). Vladikavkaz: SMI VSC RAS, 2023. P. 11–48. |
15. | Gutman A.E. A sentence preservation theorem for Boolean algebras // J. Math. Sci. 2023. 8 p. |
14. | Gutman A.E. Boolean-Valued Analysis: See the Simple in the Complex [in Russian] // Report abstract. International Conference «Order Analysis and Related Problems of Mathematical Modeling, XVI. Operator Theory and Differential Equations» (Vladikavkaz, September 20–25, 2021): Proceedings. Vladikavkaz: SMI VSC RAS and RNO-A, 2021. 1 p. |
13. | Gutman A.E. Boolean-valued set-theoretic systems: General formalism and basic technique // Mathematics. 2021. V. 9, N 9. Art. 1056. 78 p. |
12. | Gutman A.E. Boolean-valued universe as an algebraic system. II: Intensional hierarchies [in Russian] // Sib. Matem. Zh. 2020. V. 61, N 3. P. 539–571. |
Gutman A.E. Boolean-valued universe as an algebraic system. II: Intensional hierarchies // Sib. Math. J. 2020. V. 61, N 3. P. 426–452. | |
11. | Gutman A.E. Cumulative structure of a Boolean-valued model of set theory // Report abstract. International conference on Geometric Analysis in honor of the 90th anniversary of academician Yu.G.Reshetnyak (Novosibirsk, September, 22–28, 2019): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, 2019. P. 64–66. |
10. | Gutman A.E. Boolean-valued universe as an algebraic system. I: Basic principles [in Russian] // Sib. Matem. Zh. 2019. V. 60, N 5. P. 1041–1062. |
Gutman A.E. Boolean-valued universe as an algebraic system. I: Basic principles // Sib. Math. J. 2019. V. 60, N 5. P. 810–827. | |
9. | Gutman A.E. On the structure of the Boolean-valued universe [in Russian] // Vladikavk. Math. J. 2018. V. 20, issue 2. P. 38–48. |
8. | Gutman A.E., Kusraev A.G., Kutateladze S.S. The growth points of Boolean valued analysis // Report abstract. Geometry Days in Novosibirsk – 2014. International conference dedicated to 85th anniversary of academician Yu.G.Reshetnyak (Novosibirsk, September 24–27, 2014): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, 2014. P. 102. |
7. | Gutman A.E. The technique of definable terms in Boolean valued analysis // Report abstract. Mal'tsev Meeting. International Conference (Novosibirsk, November 11–15, 2013): Proceedings. Novosibirsk, 2013. P. 164. |
6. | Gutman A.E. An example of using Δ₁ terms in Boolean-valued analysis [in Russian] // Vladikavk. Math. J. 2012. V. 14, issue 1. P. 47–63. |
5. | Gutman A.E., Lisovskaya S.A. The boundedness principle for lattice-normed spaces [in Russian] // Report abstract. Contemporary Analysis and Geometry. International Conference (Novosibirsk, September 14–20, 2009): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 2009. P. 29. |
4. | Gutman A.E., Lisovskaya S.A. The boundedness principle for lattice-normed spaces [in Russian] // Sib. Matem. Zh. 2009. V. 50, N 5. P. 1050–1059. |
Gutman A.E., Lisovskaya S.A. The boundedness principle for lattice-normed spaces // Sib. Math. J. 2009. V. 50, N 5. P. 830–837. | |
3. | Gutman A.E., Emelyanov E.Yu., Koptev A.V., Kusraev A.G., Kutateladze S.S., Malyugin S.A. Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices. 2nd ed., corr. and enl. [in Russian]. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 2005. x+400 p. |
2. | Gutman A.E., Emelyanov E.Yu., Kusraev A.G., Kutateladze S.S. Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. xii+307 p. |
1. | Gutman A.E., Emelyanov E.Yu., Kusraev A.G., Kutateladze S.S. Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices [in Russian]. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 1999. x+380 p. |
The papers are presented here for academic purposes and are not intended for mass dissemination or copying. | Last updated November 4, 2023 |