   Books and chapters
    -  Data Mining in Finance
Scientific Discovery and
       Computational Cognition

   Presentations and Video
   Ontological Data Mining
    -  Approach
    -  Theory and methods
     - Comparisons with
      other methods

   Artificial Intelligence
    -  Task approach to AGI
    -  Prediction problem
    -  Mearsurement theory
    -  Probabilistic formal

    -  Induction problem
    -  Natural classification
   Cognitive models
    -  Functional systems

    -  Computer models
    -  Perception
    -  Financial forecasting
    -  Bioinformatics
    -  Medicine
    -  Forensic Accounting
    -  Other
   Lectures and school-book
    -  Evgenii Vityaev
    -  Boris Kovalerchuk


Last updated 09/01/2022



Russian Academy of Science,
630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
Office: 7-(383)-363-45-62
Fax: 7-(383)-333-25-98
Home: 7-(383)-336-13-93


Scientific Discovery, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Bioinformatics, Applications.


2006   Doctor of Computer Science (Full Professor)

Doctoral dissertation: "Logic-probability methods of knowledge discovery and computational cognition"

1983   Ph.D. in Computer Science

Academy of Science of the USSR: Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk)
Dissertation: "Data Analysis in the languages of empirical systems".
Adviser Prof. N.G. Zagoruiko.

1971   M.S. in Mathematics

Novosibirsk University, rated among three top schools in the USSR.
M.S. Thesis "On logical problems of computability"
Adviser Academician Yu.L.Ershov.

1966   High School diploma

Physical-Mathematical academy for gifted students at the Novosibirsk University.


English, Russian native.


Methods and software for: Pattern Recognition; Optimization; Multivalued Statistical Analysis; Cluster Analysis; Graph Theory Methods; Boolean Functions Methods; Classical Math Methods: Differential and Integral Equations, Linear Algebra; Numerical Methods; Non-classic Inference.


1972-today Leading Scientist,

Institute of Mathematics, Russian Academy of Science (Novosibirsk)
Laboratory of Information-logical systems (1972-1983);
Computational theory and Applied logic;
Laboratory of logical foundations of Computer Science.

2000-2004 Senior Scientist,

Laboratory of Theoretical Genetics, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Russian Academy of Science (Novosibirsk).

1998-1999 Visiting Scholar,

Computer Science Department, Central Washington university, (US).

1996          Visiting Associate Professor,

Louisiana State University, National Research Council Grant (US).

1993-1994 Visiting Scholar,

Queen's University of Belfast, Royal Society Fellowship (United Kingdom).

1984-1987 Co-Chairman of Inter-institutional Research Seminar:

"Logic and Methodology of Data Analysis," Academy of Science (Novosibirsk).

1975-1985 Research Fellow,

Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk)

1972-1975 Ph.D. Student,

Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk).

1971-1972 Research Assistant,

University of Novosibirsk.


1993-1994   Royal Society Fellowship (University of Belfast, United Kingdom)

1993-1995   Competitive Center of Natural Sciences Foundations

(Mathematics-informative Research Institute at the Novosibirsk State University), grant # 93-I-88-12,
"Far-out logical systems and their applications to knowledge representation"

1993-1995   Russian Foundation for Basic Research

(Institute of Mathematics SB Russian Academy of Science), grant # 93-01-01506a, "Definability in admissible sets"

1996-1996   National Research Council Grant (Louisiana State University, US).

1996-1998   Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Institute of Mathematics SB Russian Academy of Science),

grant # 96-06-80570a, "Formal models of Cognitive process"

2000-2002   Integration project of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science №65

"Modeling of Fundamental Genetics processes and systems"

2001-2003   Russian Foundation for Basic Research

(Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB Russian Academy of Science), grant # 01-07-90376-в,
"Integrated electronic library on space structure and functions DNA, RNA, proteins and genetic networks"

2002-2004   Russian Foundation for Basic Research

(Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB Russian Academy of Science), grant # 02-07-90355c,
"Gene Discovery set of programs development for knowledge bases creating for all the levels
of genomic DNA analysis and simulation"

2003-2004   NATO Science Programme, Collaborative Linkage Grant

(CNR ISMAC, Genova Italy, Institute for the Study of Macromolecules and Institute of Cytology and Genetics,
SB Russian Academy of Science), grant # LST.CLG.979815,
"Development Of An Integrative Approach For Transcription Regularity Rule Extraction"

2003-2005   Integration project of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science #119

"Modeling of Fundamental Genetics processes and systems"

2006-2008   Integration project of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science #1

"Computability and Rationality"

2006-2008   Integration project of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science #115

"Intellectual information technologies development for knowledge generation and analysis supporting fundamental scientific investigations in Natural Sciences"

2007-2008   Government contract #2007-4-1.4-00-04

"Investigations and developments on priority directions of scientific-technological structures of Russia. Part 3. Technologies for development of distributed program system of knowledge discovery and utilization"

2008-2010   Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant #08-07-00272-a,

"Program system "Discovery" for knowledge discovery development"

2009-2011   Integration project of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science #47

"Logic-mathematical analysis of languages for knowledge representation: Interrelation between syntax, semantic and semiotics in scientific theories formalization"

2009-2011   Integration project of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science #111

"Intellectual computational analysis of scientific texts for searching, extraction and Integration of knowledge: application to chemistry, catalysis and biology"


[1] Kovalerchuk, B., Vityaev E. Data Mining in Finance: Advances in Relational and Hybrid methods. (Kluwer international series in engineering and computer science; SECS 547), Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2000, p.308.

[2] Vityaev E. Knowledge Discovery. Computational cognition. Cognitive process modeling. Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, 2006, pp.293


[3] Evgenii Vityaev, Boris Kovalerchuk. Data Mining For Financial Applications In: O. Maimon and L. Rokach(eds.), Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook: A Complete Guide for Practitioners and Researchers, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, forthcoming, 2004, 22p (preliminary version)

[4] Evgenii Vityaev, Boris Kovalerchuk. Visual data mining with simultaneous rescaling In: Visual and Spatial Analysis. Advances in Data Mining, Reasoning and Problem Solving. Kluwer, 2004, pp. 371-385 (preliminary version)

[5] Nikolay A. Kolchanov, Mikhail A. Pozdnyakov, Yury L. Orlov, Oleg V. Vishnevsky, Nikolay L. Podkolodny, Eugenii E. Vityaev and Boris Kovalerchuk. Computer System "Gene Discovery" for Promoter Structure Analysis In: Artificial Intelligence and Heuristic Methods in Bioinformatics, Eds: P. Frasconi and R. Shamir, IOS Press, 2003, pp.173-192 (preliminary version)

[6] Kovalerchuk, B., Vityaev E., Ruiz J.F., Consistent and Complete Data and "Expert" Mining in Medicine, In: Medical Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (Book chapter), Springer, 2001, pp. 238-280.