Conference "Integrable Systems and Their Applications"

05 - 11 August 2019

Baykalsk Resort «Mountain Sobolinaya», Baykalsk, Russia

Contacts: Gulnara Mauleshova

Sergei AGAPOV. On first integrals of Hamiltonian systems on the 2-torus.

Nataliya DAURTSEVA. About cohomogeneity one almost complex structures on the S^2xS^4.

Shuai GUO. Mathematical approaches to the BCOV's holomorphic anomaly.

Hui MA. Ruh-Vilms theorems for minimal Lagrangian surfaces in CP^2.

Gulnara MAULESHOVA. On one-point commuting difference operators of rank 1.

Andrey MIRONOV. Baker-Akhiezer modules on algebraic varieties.

Maxim PAVLOV. Integrability of new class of hyperbolic two-dimensional linear equations of second order.

Nikolay TYURIN. Monotonic Lagrangian tori of non standard type in toric manifolds.

Meiramgul YERMENTAY. On minimal isotropic surfaces in CP^3.

Youjin ZHANG. Special Cubic Hodge Integrals and the Fractional Volterra Hierarchy.

Alexander ZHEGLOV. The theory of commuting differential operators: the state of art..

Jian ZHOU. Dualities and integrable systems.

Zhengyu ZONG. Remodeling Conjecture and its applications.

Dafeng ZUO. Frobenius manifolds and a new class of Extended affine Weyl groups of A-type.

The book of abstracts is available here.