Volume 17, No 3, 2010, P. 46-60
UDC 519.7
N. G. Parvatov
Clones with the majority function and their generalizations
In connection with the problem of finite bases the clones with the majority function and their generalizations — clones with d- and (c, d)-subclones are studied. The characterizations for such clones by properties of their functions and invariant predicates are stated. The conditions of interpolation in clone for partial functions are found.
Bibl. 12.
Keywords: closed class, clone, majority function, d-subclone, (c, d)-subclone, invariant predicate, interpolation, partial function.
Parvatov Nikolai Georgievich 1
1. Tomsk State University,
36 Lenin ave., 634050 Tomsk, Russia
e-mail: parvatov@mail.tsu.ru