Editorial office address

Address: Sobolev Institute of Mathematics,
4 Acad. Koptyug Ave.,
630090 Novosibirsk, Russia.

Phone: (383) 329-75-79
E-mail: discopr@math.nsc.ru

Editorial Manager:
Puzynina Natalya Mikhailovna


Original research papers containing new results as well as surveys in the field of discrete mathematics and computer science are accepted for publication in the journal Discrete Analysis and Operations Research.

Please, send papers that correspond to the subject of the journal.

Papers of no more than 20 pages in Russian are published. Larger papers are subject to negotiation with the Editorial Board.

First, the authors may send the paper in any format convenient for reading. In case of positive reviews, the authors should submit the paper in accordance with the rules of the journal.

It is preferable to submit your manuscript using an electronic editorial system of the journal. To do this, click on the button below.


Authors may also send the manuscript files by e-mail to the editorial address discopr@math.nsc.ru

The Editorial Board does not consider papers previously published or submitted to other journals.

All papers submitted to the journal are subject to peer reviewing. After that, the Editorial Board decides on the possibility of their publication in the journal. If the paper is returned to the author for revision, when it is published, three dates are indicated: receipt of the original version, receipt of the final text and acceptance for publication.

The following information about the authors should be attached to the manuscript: author name and surname, affiliation, postal address, e-mail. Author should send a cover letter in free form.

The paper should also contain:

  • abstract, which describes the problem under consideration and the results obtained (without formulas, abbreviations and references),
  • UDC index,
  • keyword list,
  • acknowledgements for financial support, if necessary.

To prepare the paper for submission authors are advised to use the author guide available in the section “Prepare your manuscript”.

 © Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2015