Editorial office address

Address: Sobolev Institute of Mathematics,
4 Acad. Koptyug Ave.,
630090 Novosibirsk, Russia.

Phone: (383) 329-75-79
E-mail: discopr@math.nsc.ru

Editorial Manager:
Puzynina Natalya Mikhailovna

Prepare Your Manuscript

Authors of accepted papers will be asked to provide a LaTeX source file of the paper, so please bear this in mind when preparing the paper for submission.
Further information on this is given below.

The title page should include the name, affiliation, address and e-mail of each author, a short abstract and list of keywords. Each section, including the introduction, should be numbered. Nonstandard notation should be explained in the text. Footnotes should be kept to the minimum.

Authors are strongly encouraged to use the article template in preparing a LaTeX source file of the paper. For specific information regarding style, please refer to the DAOR style guide.

References in the text should be given with its ordinal numbers in the reference list placed at the end of the paper. The reference list should be ordered corresponding to the order of reference appearing in the text i.e., the first goes the source first-cited in the text, the the second goes etc. Each listed reference should begin with the authors' initials followed by surnames and the title of the work. Then, for a journal article, the journal name (abbreviated in accordance with ISSN LTWA), volume number, issue number, inclusive page numbers, and year should follow, while, for a book, the title (if it is a collection of contributions, conference proceedings etc.), publisher, the place of publication, and year should be stated. For a conference proceeding, include the conference dates and year in the book title. For examples, please refer to the DAOR article template.

Authors of accepted papers will be asked to provide the LaTeX source files of their paper. In preparing the paper, please use the following file template.zip. Copy all the style file daio.sty to the same folder as *.tex file of the paper. In the beginning of the LaTeX document please call the amsart class file and daio style file (see template.tex).

Do not use any layout related commands in the TeX File i.e., \textheight, \textwidth etc. Use the abstract and theorem-like environments based on DAOR styles (see template.tex). In the text provide citations using \cite command in the TeX file, and use bibliography environment (see template.tex).

All figures should be black-and-white and of compliant quality. Figures drawn with use of LaTeX source code is acceptable. For each other figure, author is asked to provide an eps file containing the figure. In its natural size (scale 1.0 or 100%), a figure should not exceed 120 mm horizontally and 160 mm vertically, while all raster objects must be of 300 dpi in resolution. For more details in preparing figures, please refer to the DAOR style guide.

 © Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2015