Volume 19, No 1, 2012, P. 41-58

UDC 519.7
N. A. Kolomeec
Enumeration of bent functions on the minimal distance from the quadratic bent function

Constructing bent functions on the minimal distance from the quadratic bent function is studied. All such bent functions in $2k$ variables are obtained and it is shown that the number of them is equal to $2^k(2^1+1)\dots(2^k+1)$. A lower bound of the number of bent functions on the minimal distance from a Maiorana–McFarland bent function is given.
Tab. 1, bibliogr. 9.

Keywords: bent function, the minimal distance, quadratic bent function.

Kolomeec Nikolay Alexandrovich 1
1. S. L. Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, SB RAS,
4 Acad. Koptyug Ave., 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
e-mail: nkolomeec@gmail.com

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