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Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 2018, 12:1, 153-166

Volume 25, No 1, 2018, P. 120-141

UDC 519.7
I. S. Sergeev
Rectifier circuits of bounded depth

Asymptotically tight bounds are obtained for the complexity of computation of the classes of (m,n)-matrices with entries from the set 0,1,,q1 by rectifier circuits of bounded depth d, under some relations between m, n, and q. In the most important case of q=2, it is shown that the asymptotics of the complexity of Boolean (m,n)-matrices, log n=o(m), log m=o(n), is achieved for the circuits of depth 3.
Illustr. 1, bibliogr. 11.

Keywords: rectifier circuit, complexity, depth.

DOI: 10.17377/daio.2018.25.577

Igor S. Sergeev 1
1. FSUE “RDI ‘Kvant’ ”,
15 Chetvyortyi Likhachyovskii Lane, 125438 Moscow, Russia

Received 19 April 2017
Revised 4 September 2017


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