English version:
Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 2018, 12:2, 297-301

Volume 25, No 2, 2018, P. 54-61

UDC 519.8
V. K. Leontiev
On a partial order related to divisibility

We estimate the number of monotone discrete functions related to the divisibility of numbers.
Illustr. 1, bibliogr. 6.

Keywords: partial order, monotone function, antichain.

DOI: 10.17377/daio.2018.25.568

Vladimir K. Leontiev 1
1. Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS,
40 Vavilov St., 119333 Moscow, Russia
e-mail: vkleontiev@yandex.ru

Received 2 March 2017
Revised 20 September 2017


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