English version:
Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 2018, 12:4, 797–802

Volume 25, No 4, 2018, P. 15-26

UDC 519.71
Yu. A. Zuev
Maximal $k$-intersecting families of subsets and Boolean functions

A family of subsets of an $n$-element set is $k$-intersecting if the intersection of every $k$ subsets in the family is nonempty. A family is maximal $k$-intersecting if no subset can be added to the family without violating the $k$-intersection property. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the families of subsets and Boolean functions defined as follows: To each family of subsets, assign the Boolean function whose unit tuples are the characteristic vectors of the subsets. We show that a family of subsets is maximal 2-intersecting if and only if the corresponding Boolean function is monotone and selfdual. Asymptotics for the number of such families is obtained. Some properties of Boolean functions corresponding to $k$-intersecting families are established for $k > 2$.
Bibliogr. 9.

Keywords: $k$-intersecting family of subsets, monotone selfdual Boolean function, layer of Boolean cube.

DOI: 10.17377/daio.2018.25.602

Yury A. Zuev 1
1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University,
5 Vtoraya Baumanskaya St., 105005 Moscow, Russia
e-mail: 79851965730@yandex.ru

Received 11 December 2017
Revised 16 March 2018


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