English version:
Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 2018, 12:4, 749–758

Volume 25, No 4, 2018, P. 131-148

UDC 519.16
V. V. Shenmaier
Approximability of the problem of finding a vector subset with the longest sum

We answer the question of existence of polynomial-time constant-factor approximation algorithms for the space of nonfixed dimension. We prove that, in Euclidean space the problem is solvable in polynomial time with accuracy $\sqrt{\alpha}$, where $\alpha = 2/\pi$, and if $P \ne$ NP then there are no polynomial algorithms with better accuracy. It is shown that, in the case of the $l_p$ spaces, the problem is APX-complete if $p \in [1, 2]$ and not approximable with constant accuracy if $P \ne$ NP and $p \in (2, \infty)$.
Tab. 1, bibliogr. 21.

Keywords: sum vector, search for a vector subset, approximation algorithm, inapproximability bound.

DOI: 10.17377/daio.2018.25.618

Vladimir V. Shenmaier 1
1. Sobolev Institute of Mathematics,
4 Koptyug Ave., 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
e-mail: shenmaier@mail.ru

Received 11 April 2018
Revised 13 July 2018


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