Gutman A.E.
Lifting in the space of measurable sections [in Russian] //
Report abstract. XV All-USSR School on the theory of operators in function spaces (Nizhny Novgorod, September 13–20, 1991): Proceedings. Nizhny Novgorod, 1991. P. 63.

It is shown that the space of classes of essentially bounded measurable functions acting into a Banach space X admits a lifting if and only if the space X is finitely-dimensional or the domain of definition is atomic. The minimal extension of a constant measurable Banach bundle is described which ensures existence of a lifting.
Type Report abstract
Authors Gutman Alexander Efimovich
Title Lifting in the space of measurable sections
Book XV All-USSR School on the theory of operators in function spaces (Nizhny Novgorod, September 13–20, 1991): Proceedings
Address Nizhny Novgorod
Year 1991
Pages 63
Language Russian
© 1991.09.13
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