Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Laboratory "Mathematical Models of Decision Making"

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Dr. Ekaterina Alekseeva

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics        

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Laboratory "Mathematical Models of Decision Making"

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PhD in Mathematics and Physics, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2007.
PhD Thesis "Local Search Algorithms for the p-median Problem with User Preferences"
Advisors: Dr. Yuri Kochetov , Prof. Vladimir Beresnev

M.D. in Applied Mathematics, Novosibirsk State University, 2003.
Advisor: Dr. Yuri Kochetov


2011  Associate Professor of Novosibirsk State University

2008  Research Fellow of  Laboratory "Mathematical Models of Decision Making" of the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics

2006 - 2008  Junior researcher of  Laboratory "Mathematical Models of Decision Making" of the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics

2003 - 2006 Ph.D. Student of Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Advisor: Dr. Yuri Kochetov


Potanin Award winner as "The best young teacher" (2009, 2011)

Potanin Award winner as "Teacher On-Line" (2011)


Akademika Koptyuga pr.4,
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics,
Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia.
Phone: +7 383 363 46 90,
Fax: +7 383 333 25 98

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Research Interests

Competitive location problems

Discrete (r|p)-centroid problem

Discrete location problems, in particular p-median problem,

Metaheuristics, genetic algorithm, local search,

Complexity of  local search algorithms

Benchmark Library "Discrete Location Problems"


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Associate Professor at the  Novosibirsk State University
Seminar: Optimization methods, Operations Research.

Lecture: Discrete Decision Making Problems  (Mathematics Department)

Lecture: Decision Making Theory (Information Technology Department)

Tutorial:  E. Alekseeva, O. Kutnenko, A. Plyasunov.  Computational Optimization Methods. Tutorial. Novosibirsk. NSU. 2008
pdf.file (in Russian).

Associate Professor at the Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics

Lectures and Seminars: Mathematical Logic, Computational Methods, Introduction to Management Science, Multicriteria optimization


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GAMS audio-video lesson (in Russian)

part 1 (.avi 17 Mb)

part 1 (.zip 11.4 Mb)

Chairs' problem defenition

part 7 (.avi 3.48 Mb)

part 7 (.zip 2.31 Mb)

Integer Variables.

Permission values of integer variables.

part 2 (.avi 17.9 Mb)

part 2 (.zip 11.3 Mb)

Mathematical Model

part 8 (.avi 18.6 Mb)

part 8 (.zip 12.0 Mb)

Assigment of variables bounds (.up)

part 3 (.avi 73.5 Mb)

part 3 (.zip 46.8 Mb)

Initial data definitions in GAMS


part 9 (.avi 29 Mb)

part 9 (.zip 18.7 Mb)

Model attributes.

Absolute and relative gaps.

part 4 (.avi 90.7 Mb)

part 4 (.zip 53.7 Mb)

Model definition in GAMS.

Variable and equation declarations.

Objective function definition.

Model and solve statements.

part 10 (.avi 4.87 Mb)

part 10 (.zip 3.20 Mb)

Attributes controlled by the user.

part 5 (.avi 12.3 Mb)

part 5 (.zip 8.09 Mb)

Types of models (MIP, LP, and others)

part 11 (.avi 5.25 Mb)

part 11 (.zip 3.58 Mb)

Getting of exact optimal solution.

part 6 (.avi 90.3 Mb)

part 6 (.zip 59.4 Mb)

Display statement (.l)

Solvers available with GAMS.

Solver options.

How to run GAMS.

Compilation output.

Error messages.

Execution output.

Solver report.

part 12 (.avi 3.02 Mb)

part 12 (.avi 1.99 Mb)

More about GAMS.


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Numismatics, Sport, Photographing

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