A.I. Mal'tsev (1909-1967)
Previous conferences
Mal'tsev Meeting
Novosibirsk, November 14-18, 2022
First announcement
Sobolev Institute
of Mathematics SB RAS and Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok
invite to participate in the "MAL'TSEV MEETING" and to contribute.
The meeting will be held in Novosibirsk (Russia) on November 14-18, 2022.
The programme will consist of invited lectures (45 minutes)
and contributions in sections (10-20 minutes). The topics include
(but are not limited to) algebraic combinatorics, computability, groups, rings, models,
non-classical logics, other related areas as well as applications
of algebra and mathematical logic in computer science. The programme committee is headed by the Academicians of RAS
Yu.L. Ershov and S.S. Goncharov. The chairman of the organising committee is Professor P.S. Kolesnikov.
We expect the following invited lectures:
- P.E. Alaev: Polynomially computable representations of structures,
- S.N. Artemov (USA): How to prove, and not to prove, consistency,
- N.A. Bazhenov, I.Sh. Kalimullin, and A. Melnikov (New Zealand): Eliminating unbounded search in classical branches of computability theory,
- A.A. Gal't: On splitting of the normalizer of a maximal torus in groups of Lie type,
- I. Georgiev (Bulgaria): Comparing the complexity of irrational number representations,
- M.E. Goncharov: Double Lie algebras of a nonzero weight,
- W. Dziobiak (Puerto-Rico): About complete lattice homomorphic images of algebraic lattices,
- Yu.L. Ershov: Pre-minimal pairs,
- N. Ismailov (Kazakhstan): Polynomial identities in Novikov algebras,
- A.S. Kondrat'ev: Stronger version of the Sims conjecture and bases for finite primitive permutation groups,
- A. Miasnikov (USA): Generalized algebraic groups, first-order classification and non-standard models,
- K.-M. Ng (Singapore): The AE theory of the local structure of the enumeration degrees,
- G. Olkhovikov (Bochum, Germany): On first order extensions of connective logic C,
- V.V. Podolskii: Ontology-mediated queries with a covering axiom,
- V.B. Shekhtman: Completeness problem in first-order modal logic,
- I. Shestakov (Brazil): Non-matrix varieties and coordinatization theorems for nonassociative algebras,
- R. Sklinos (China): Fields interpretable in nonabelian free groups,
- U. Umirbaev (USA): An effective criterion for Nielsen - Schreier varieties,
- V.V. Verbovskii (Kazakhstan): Relative stability and model theory of ordered groups,
- V.I. Zenkov: Intersections of nilpotent subgroups of finite groups.
As usual, talks at the Mal'tsev Meeting are considered as a talk at the
"Algebra and Logic" seminar. Articles on reported results can be submitted
to the journal
the same title.
An electronic collection of abstracts will be published online.
You may prepare a short (at most 1 page) abstract using the sample file
in Russian or in English and send it
by e-mail. Do not forget to indicate the section.
We offer two types of accommodation:
the "Golden Valley" hotel and the university hotel.
The deadline for abstract submission and hotel reservation will be November 1, 2022.
If you have questions concerning participation, please, do not hesitate
to contact us.
Updated October 29, 2022