List of publications devoted to Infinite-dimensional distributions

  1. Kandelaki N. P.
    On a limit theorem in Hilbert space.
    Trudy of Computing Cenre of Academy Sciences of GSSR (Georgia), 1965, 5, N1, 46-55. (In Russian)

  2. Paulauskas V. I.
    On the rate of convergence in central limit theorem in some Banach space.
    Probability theory and its appl., 1976, 21, N4, 775-790. (In Russian)

  3. Nagaev S. V., Chebotarev V. I.
    On estimates of the rate of convergence in central limit theorem for random vectors with values in the space l2.
    In the book: Mathematical analysis and related problems. Novosibirsk, "Nauka", 1978, 153-182. (In Russian) PDF

  4. Nagaev S. V., Chebotarev V. I.
    Estimates of the rate of convergence in central limit theorem for random vectors with values in l2 for case of independent coordinates.
    Abstracts of the Second International Vilnius conference in probability theory and mathem. stat. Vilnius, 1977, 2, 68-69. (In Russian)

  5. Senatov V. V.
    Four examples of lower bounds.
    Probability theory and its appl., 1985, 30, N4, 750-755. (In Russian)

  6. Götze F.
    Asymptotic expansions for bivariate von Mises functionals.
    Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheor., verw. Geb., 1979, B. 50, H. 3, 333-355.

  7. Yurinsky V. V.
    On accuracy of normal approximation of the probability of hitting a ball.
    Theory Probab. Appl., 1982, Vol. 27, No. 2, 280-289.
    Original Russian Text@Teor. Verojatn. i Primen., 1982, Vol. 27, No. 2, 270-278.

  8. Nagaev S. V.
    On the rate of a convergence to a normal law in a Hilbert space.
    Theory Probab. Appl., 1985, 30, No 1, 19-37. PDF
    Original Russian Text@Teor. Verojatn. i Primen., 1985, 30, No 1, 19-32.

  9. Zalessky B. A.
    Estimate of accuracy of normal approximation in Hilbert space.
    Probability theory and its appl., 1982, 27, N2, 279-285. (In Russian)

  10. Bentkus V. Yu.
    Asymptotic expansions in central limit theorem in Hilbert space.
    Litovsk. mat. sb., 1984, 24, N3, 29-49. (In Russian)

  11. Bentkus V. Yu.
    Asymptotic expansions for sums of independent random elements of Hilbert space.
    Litovsk. mat. sb., 1984, 24, N4, 29-48. (In Russian)

  12. Bentkus V. Yu., Zalessky B. A.
    Asymptotic expansions with nonuniform remainders in central limit theorem in Hilbert space.
    Litovsk. mat. sb., 1985, 25, N3, 3-16. (In Russian)

  13. Nagaev S. V., Chebotarev V. I.
    A refinement of the error estimate of the normal approximation in a Hilbert space.
    Sib. Math. J., 1986, 27, No 3, 434-449. PDF
    Original Russian Text@Sib. Mat. Zh., 1986, 27, No 3, 154-173.

  14. Zalessky B. A., Sazonov V. V., Ul'yanov V. V.
    Regular estimate of accuracy of normal approximation in Hilbert space.
    Probability theory and its appl., 1988, 33, N4, 753-754. (In Russian)

  15. Zalessky B. A., Sazonov V. V., Ul'yanov V. V.
    Normal approximation in Hilbert space. I-II.
    Probability theory and its appl., 1988, 33, N2, 225-245; N3, 508-521. (In Russian)

  16. Nagaev S. V., Chebotarev V. I.
    On the Bergstrom type asymptotic expansion in Hilbert space.
    Sib. Adv. Math., 1991, 1, No 2, 130-145. PDF
    Original Russian Text@ In: Asymptotic analysis of distributions of stochastic processes.
    Proc. Inst. Mat. Sib. Branch USSR Akad. Sci., 1989, 13, 66-77.

  17. Sazonov V. V., Ul'yanov V. V., Zalessky B. A.
    Regular estimate of of the rate of convergence in central limit theorem in Hilbert space.
    Matem. sb., 1989, 180, 1587-1613. (In Russian)

  18. Nagaev S. V., Chebotarev V. I.
    On Edgeworth expansions in Hilbert spaces.
    Sib. Adv. Math., 1993, 3, No 3, 89-122. PDF
    Original Russian Text@In: Limit theorems for random processes and their applications.
    Proc. Inst. Mat. Sib. Branch USSR Acad. Sci., 1993, 20, 170-203.

  19. Nagaev S. V., Chebotarev V. I.
    On the Accuracy of Gaussian Approximation in Hilbert Space.
    Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 1999, 58, 189-215. PDF

  20. Nagaev S. V., Chebotarev V. I.
    On accuracy of Gaussian approximation in Hilbert space.
    Sib. Adv. Math., 2005, 15, No 1, 11-73. PDF
    Original Russian Text@Mat. Trudy, IM SO RAN, 2004, 7, No 1, 91-152.

  21. Landau H. J., Shepp L. A.
    On the supremum of a Gaussian process.
    Sankhya, Ser. A., 1970, 32, No 4, 369-378.

  22. Fernique X.
    Intégrabilité des vecteurs Gaussiens.
    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sér. A, 1970. - 270, No 25, 1698-1699.

  23. Skorokhod A. B.
    Remark on Gaussian measures in Banach space.
    Probability theory and its appl., 1970, 15, N3, 519-520. (In Russian)

  24. Nagaev S. V.
    On Berry-Esseen type estimates for sums of Hilbert space valued random variables.
    Soviet Math. Dokl., 1984, 29, No 3, 692-693. PDF
    Original Russian Text@ Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1984, 276, No 6, 1315-1317.

  25. Nagaev S. V.
    On estimaites of the rate of convergence in the CLT in a Hilbert space.
    Workshop on Limit Theorems and Nonparametric Statistics, August, 24-28. Abstracts of commun. Universität Bielefeld, 1992, 1-3. PDF

  26. Esseen C.-G.
    Fourier analysis of distribution function. A mathematical study of the Laplace-Gaussian law.
    Acta Math., 1945, 77, 1-125.

  27. Bentkus V. Yu.
    Asymptotic expansions of sums of independent random elements in Hilbert space.
    XXIV conference of Lietuva mathem. society, Abstracts, Vilnius, 1983, 28-29. (In Russian)

  28. Bentkus V., Götze F.
    Uniform rates of convergence in the CLT for quadratic forms in multidimensional spaces.
    Probab.Theory Relat. Fields, 1997, 109, N3, 367-416. PDF

  29. Sudakov V. N., Tsirel'son B. S.
    Extreme properties of half-spaces for spherically invariant measures.
    Notes of scientific seminars of LOMI, 1974, 41, 14-24. (In Russian)

  30. Hoffman-Jorgensen J.
    Probability in B-spaces.
    Aarhus Universitet Lecture Notes Series, 1977, No 48, 186 p.

  31. Nagaev S. V.
    On a large deviation probabilities for the Gaussian distribution in a Banach space.
    Izv. Akad. Nauk UzSSR. Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauk, 1981, No 5, 18-21. (In Russian) PDF

  32. Nagaev S. V.
    On large deviations probabilities of a Gaussian distribution in a Banach space.
    Theory Probab. Appl., 1982, 27, No 2, 430-431. PDF
    Original Russian Text@Teor. Verojatn. i Primen., 1982, 27, No 2, 406.

  33. Gnedenko B. V., Kolmogorov A. N.
    Limit distributions for sums of independent random variables.
    Moscow, Leningrad: State publisher of technic-theoretical literature, 1949, 264 pp. (In Russian)

  34. Zolotarev V. M.
    One-dimensional stable distributions. Moscow: Nauka, 1983, 304 pp.

  35. Nagaev S. V.
    Probability inequalities for sums of independent random variables taking values in a Banach space.
    In: Limit Theorems of Probability Theory and Related Topics.
    Proc. Inst. Math. Sib. Branch USSR Acad. Sci., 1982, 1, 159-167. PDF (In Russian)

  36. Nagaev S. V.
    Probability inequalities for the sums of independent random variables in a Banach space.
    Sib. Math. J., 1988, 652-664. PDF
    Original Russian Text@Sib. Mat. Zh., 1987, 28, No 4, 171-184.

  37. Nagaev S. V.
    On probabilities of large deviations in Banach spaces.
    Math. Notes, 1983, 34, No 2, 638-640. PDF
    Original Russian Text@ Mat. Zametki, 1983, 34, No 2, 309-313.

  38. Gokhman I. I., Skorokhod A. B.
    Theory of random processes.
    Moscow: Nauka, 1971, I, 664pp. (In Russian)

  39. Yurinsky V. V.
    Exponential for large deviations.
    Probability theory and its appl., 1974, 19, N1, 152-153. (In Russian)

  40. Fuk D. H.
    Some probability inequalities for martingales.
    Sib. math. journ., 1973, 14, N1, 185-193.(In Russian)

  41. Burkholder D. L.
    Distribution function inequalities for martingales.
    Ann. Prob., 1973, 1, No 1, 19-42.

  42. Nagaev S. V., Pinelis I. F.
    Large deviations for sums of independent Banach-valued random variables.
    Abst. Comm. II Vilnius Conf. Probab. Theory and Math. Statist. Vilnius, 1977, 2, 66-67. (In Russian) PDF

  43. Volodin N. A., Morozova L. N.
    Some estimates of large deviation probabilities.
    Probabilistic processes and mathematical statistics. Tashkent: Fan, 1978, 35-43. (In Russian)

  44. D'Acosta A.
    Inequalities for B-valued random vectors with applications to the strong law of large numbers.
    Ann. Prob., 1981, 9, No 1, 157-161.

  45. Nagaev S. V.
    On probability and moment inequalities for dependent random variables.
    Theory Probab. Appl., 2000, 45, No 1, 152-160. PDF
    Original Russian Text@Teor. Verojatn. i Primen., 2000, 45, No 1, 194-202.

  46. Utev S. A.
    Inequalities for sums of weakly dependent random variables and estimates of the rate of convergence in the principle of invariance.
    Proceedings of Institute for Mathematics SO AN SSSR, 1984, 3, 50-77. (In Russian)

  47. Doukhan P.
    Mixing. Properties and Examples.
    New York: Springer-Verlag, 1994, 142 p.

  48. Rio E.
    The functional law of the iterated logarithm for mixing sequences.
    Ann. Probab., 1995, 23, No 3, 1188-1203.