V. Afanasyev (Moscow) I. Borisov (Novosibirsk) A. Borovkov (Novosibirsk) K. Borovkov (Australia) O. Boxma (Netherlands) M. Chebunin (Novosibirsk) D. Denisov (UK) Sh. Formanov (Uzbekistan) S. Foss (UK) C. Graham (France): Modeling and Performance Evaluation for the Least Recently Used Cache Eviction Policy R. van der Hofstad (Netherlands): Rumor spread and competition on scale-free random graphs I. Ibragimov (St.Petersburg) A. Kalenchuk (Novosibirsk) H. Kaspi (Israel) O. Kella (Israel) T. Konstantopoulos (Sweden): Finite and Infinite Exchangeability D. Korshunov (UK) G. Last (Germany): How to find an extra excursion M. Lifshits (St.Petersburg): Energy Saving Approximations For Random Processes Yu. Linke (Novosibirsk) N. Litvak (Netherlands) V. Lotov (Novosibirsk) V. Lugavov (Kurgan) A. Medvedev (Hungary) T. Mikosch (Denmark) M. Miyazawa (Japan) A. Mogulskii (Novosibirsk) P. Mörters (UK): The contact process on evolving scale-free networks V. Mosyagin (Tyumen) T. Mountford (Switzerland) F. Nasyrov (Ufa) G. Pang (USA) E. Presman (Moscow) K. Ramanan (USA) M. Remerova (Netherlands): An M/M/∞-type model for synchronization in the Bitcoin network P. Robert (France): Dynamics of Large-Scale Spiking Neural Networks A. Rybko (Moscow) A. Sakhanenko (Novosibirsk) E. Savinkina (Novosibirsk) V. Senatov (Moscow) S. Shneer (UK) N. Smorodina (St.Petersburg) O. Sukhovershina (Novosibirsk) A. Tarasenko (Novosibirsk) H. Thorisson (Iceland) V. Topchii (Omsk) E. Tsebukhovskaya (Novosibirsk) V. Ulyanov (Moscow) A. Veretennikov (UK) M. Veretennikova (UK) V. Wachtel (Germany) A. Zaitsev (St.Petersburg) D. Zaporozhets (St.Petersburg) S. Zuyev (Sweden) G. Zverkina (Moscow) |