Volume 15, 2008

No 1
No 2

No 3

V. P. Bulatov, T. I. Belykh, and E. N. Yaskova
Efficient methods for solving convex programming problems that apply embedding of admissible set in simplexes
P. 3–10

Yu. L. Vasil´ev, S. V. Avgustinovich, and D. S. Krotov
On mobile sets in the binary hypercube
P. 11–21

V. T. Dementiev, A. V. Pyatkin
On decentralized transportation problem
P. 22–30

V. I. Zorkaltsev, M. A. Kiseleva
Nash equilibrium in transport model with quadratic costs
P. 31–42

T. V. Levanova, A. S. Fedorenko
Variable neighborhood search for two-stage facility location problem
P. 43-57

E. A. Monakhova
Optimization of quadruple circulant networks
P. 58–64

Ch. Audet, P. Hansen, and F. Messine
Ranking small regular polygons by area and by perimeter
P. 65–73

V. N. Shevchenko, D. V. Gruzdev
About $f$-vectors of pyramidal triangulations of point configurations
P. 74–90

No 4

V. L. Beresnev
Upper bounds for goal functions of discrete competitive facility location problems
P. 3–24

S. I. Veselov, V. N. Schevchenko
On the minor characteristics of orthogonal integer lattices
P. 25–29

E. Kh. Gimadi, Ju. V. Glazkov, I. A. Rykov
The vector subset problem with integer coordinates in euclidean space with the maximum sum
P. 30–43

P. V. Martugin
Lower bounds for the length of the shortest carefully synchronizing words for two- and three-letter partial automata
P. 44–56

I. A. Rykov
On comparison of the strip packing problem with a certain project scheduling problem
P. 57–73

N. N. Tokareva
Description of $k$-bent functions in four variables
P. 74–83

V. V. Shenmaier
An approximation algorithm for the hierarchical median problem
P. 84–91

No 5

S. V. Avgustinovich
Multidimensional permanents in enumrative problems
P. 3–5

V. A. Emelichev, E. E. Gurevsky
On stability kernel of a multicriteria combinatorial minimax problem
P. 6–19

A. V. Kel’manov, A. V. Pyatkin
On one variant of the vectors subset choice problem
P. 20–34

D. S. Krotov
On perfect colorings of the halved 24-cube
P. 35–46

A. A. Romanova, V. V. Servakh
Optimization of identical jobs production on the base of cyclic schedules
P. 47–60

P. V. Salimov
Existence of an infinite word with a rauzy graph sequence that contains a subsequence of homeomorphs of graphs of the given sequence
P. 61–75

A. V. Sidorov
Equilibria in a multiperiod economy model with short-run planning
P. 76–99

No 6

V. E. Alekseev, D. S. Malyshev
A criterion for a class of graphs to be a boundary class and applications
P. 3–10

E. Kh. Gimadi, A. V. Pyatkin, I. A. Rykov
On polynomial solvability of some vector subset problems in euclidean space with fixed dimension
P. 11–19

T. V. Gruzdeva
On solving the clique problem via the d.c. constraint problem
P. 20–33

M. S. Lobanov
Tight bounds between algebraic immunity and high-order nonlinearities
P. 34–47

S. S. Marchenkov, V. S. Fedorova
On solutions of systems of functional boolean equations
P. 48–57

V. I. Struchenkov
Dynamic programming on Pareto sets
P. 58–62

V. V. Chugunova
About realizations of boolean functions by asymptotically optimal reliable circuits
P. 63–89

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