Volume 17, 2010

No 1

V. E. Alekseev, D. V. Zakharova
Independence sets of graphs with bounded minors of the augmented incidence matrix
P. 3–10

E. V. Gorkunov
Monomial automorphisms of the linear and simple components of the Hamming code
P. 11–33

N. N. Tokareva
Generalizations of bent functions
P. 34–64

T. I. Fedoryaeva
On graphs with given diameter, number of vertices, and local diversity of balls
P. 65–74

V. I. Shmyrev
Linear-fractional exchange model. Part 1: Existence and characterization of equilibrium
P. 75–96

No 2

S. V. Avgustinovich and I. Yu. Mogilnykh
Perfect 2-colorings of Johnson graphs J(8, 3) and J(8, 4)
P. 3–19

O. V. Borodin
Acyclic 4-colorability of planar graphs without 4- and 5-cycles
P. 20–38

A. V. Dolgushev and A. V. Kel’manov
On the issue of algorithmic complexity of one cluster analysis problem
P. 39–45

D. S. Krotov
On a connection between the switching separability of a graph and of its subgraphs
P. 46–56

Ya. B. Pankratova
Solutions of a cooperative differential group pursuit game
P. 57–78

V. I. Shmyrev
Linear-fractional exchange model. Part 2: Algorithm of meeting trajectories for the fixed budget model
P. 79–96

No 3

S. B. Gashkov and I. S. Sergeev
On the complexity of linear boolean operators with thin matrixes
P. 3–18

E. Kh. Gimadi
On probabilistic analysis of one approximation algorithm for the p-median problem
P. 19–31

V. A. Emelichev, A. V. Karpuk, and K. G. Kuzmin
On quasistability of the lexicographic minimax combinatorial problem with decomposing variables
P. 32–45

N. G. Parvatov
Clones with the majority function and their generalizations
P. 46–60

A. V. Sidorov
Equilibria in the economy model with overlapping generations of investors
P. 61–83

F. I. Solov’eva and G. K. Guskov
On construction of vertex-transitive partitions of n-cube into perfect codes
P. 84–100

No 4

A. V. Eremeev
A fully polynomial randomized approximation scheme based on an evolutionary algorithm
P. 3–17

S. S. Marchenkov
The closure operator in many-valued logic based on functional equations
P. 18–31

A. L. Perezhogin
About straight automorphisms of Hamilton cycles in the Boolean n-cube
P. 32–42

A. S. Rudnev
Simulated annealing based algorithm for the rectangular bin packing problem with impurities
P. 43–66

A. S. Skidin, M. P. Fedoruk, A. V. Shafarenko, S. K. Turitsyn
Mitigation of pattern-effects in optical fibre communications by using an adaptive block encoding
P. 67–83

V. V. Shenmaier
An asymptotically exact algorithm for the maximum-weight traveling salesman problem in a finite-dimensional normed space
P. 84–91

No 5

Ts. Ch.-D. Batueva
A family of two-dimensional words with maximal pattern complexity 2k
P. 3–14

E. V. Gorkunov, S. V. Avgustinovich
On reconstruction of binary codes by dimensions of their subcodes
P. 15–21

A. O. Ivanova
List 2-distance (Δ + 1)-coloring of planar graphs with girth at least 7
P. 22–36

A. V. Kel’manov, A. V. Pyatkin
NP-completeness of some problems of a vectors subset choice
P. 37–45

E. V. Konstantinova, A. N. Medvedev
Cycles of length seven in the pancake graph
P. 46–55

E. A. Monakhova
Multiplicative circulant networks
P. 56–66

L. A. Sholomov
A rule for the addition of entropies for underdetermined data
P. 67–90

No 6

V. L. Beresnev, A. A. Melnikov
Approximation algorithms for the competitive facility location problem
P. 3–19

M. N. Vyalyi, S. P. Tarasov
Orbits of linear maps and regular languages properties
P. 20–49

E. V. Gorkunov
The automorphism group of a q-ary hamming code
P. 50–55

A. S. Kozlov
On compact vector summation within minimal strip
P. 56–67

K. L. Rychkov
A lower bound for the complexity of generalized parallel-serial contact circuits for a characteristic function of divisibility by q
P. 68–76

D. B. Khoroshilova
On perfect colorings of line graphs
P. 77–95

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