Volume 21, 2014

No 1

M. N. Vyalyi and R. A. Gimadeev
Separation of words by positions of subwords
P. 3–14

E. Kh. Gimadi, Yu. V. Glazkov and O. Yu. Tsidulko
The probabilistic analysis of an algorithm for solving the m-planar 3-dimensional assignment problem on one-cycle permutations
P. 15–29

S. M. Grabovskaya
On upper bound of non-branching programs unreliability at one-type constant faults on the computational operators outputs
P. 30–43

A. A. Evdokimov and T. I. Fedoryaeva
On the description problem of the diversity vectors of balls
P. 44–52

A. V. Kelmanov and S. A. Khamidulin
Approximation algorithm for one problem of partitioning a sequence
P. 53–66

S. S. Marchenkov
Positive closed classes in the three-valued logic
P. 67–83

I. I. Takhonov 
On some problems of covering the plane with circles
P. 84–102

No 2

V. L. Beresnev and À. À. Melnikov 
Branch-and-bound method for the competitive facility location problem with prescribed choice of suppliers
P. 3–23

V. A. Voblyi and A. K. Meleshko
The number of labeled block-cactus graphs
P. 24–32

A. N. Glebov and D. Zh. Zambalaeva
A partition of a planar graph with girth 6 into two forests containing no path of length greater than 4
P. 33–51

N. A. Kolomeec
A threshold property of quadratic Boolean functions
P. 52–58

Yu. V. Merekin
The Shannon function for calculating the Arnold complexity of length 2n binary words for arbitrary n
P. 59–75

O. G. Parshina
Perfect 2-colorings of infinite circulant graphs with a continuous set of distances
P. 76–83

V. I. Shmyrev
Polyhedral complementarity algorithms for searching an equilibrium in linear models of competitive economy
P. 84–101

No 3

V. A. Bulavskii and N. V. Shestakova
On the calculation of rent estimates
P. 4–10

E. N. Goncharov
A stochastic greedy algorithm for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem
P. 11–24

A. A. Evdokimov, S. E. Kochemazov, I. V. Otpushennikov and A. A. Semenov
Analysis of discrete automaton models of gene networks with irregular structure using symbolic algorithms
P. 25–40

A. V. Kel’manov and S. M. Romanchenko
FPTAS for solving a problem of search for a vector subset
P. 41–52

O. V. Muraveva
Stability of compatible systems of linear inequalities and linear separability
P. 53–63

A. V. Panyukov and R. E. Shangin
An exact algorithm for solving the discrete weber problem for a k-tree
P. 64–75

À. V. Pyatkin 
On edge muticoloring of unicyclic graphs
P. 76–81

A. V. Seliverstov
Polytopes and connected subgraphs
P. 82–86

G. Sh. Tamasyan and A. A. Chumakov
Finding the distance between the ellipsoids
P. 87–102

No 4

A. A. Ageev, A. V. Kel’manov and A. V. Pyatkin
Complexity of the euclidean max cut problem
P. 3–11

M. A. Alekhina and O. Yu. Barsukova
On reliability of circuits realizing ternary logic functions
P. 12–24

Ts. Ch.-D. Batueva
Discrete dynamical systems with threshold functions at the vertices
P. 25–32

V. G. Vizing
On multicoloring of incidentors of a weighted oriented multigraph
P. 33–41

A. M. Istomin
Probabilistic analysis of one routing problem
P. 42–53

S. A. Malyugin
Affine 3-nonsystematic codes
P. 54–61

A. A. Melnikov
Computational complexity of the discrete competitive facility location problem
P. 62–79

A. M. Nazhmidenova and A. L. Perezhogin
A discrete dynamical system on a double circulant
P. 80–88

R. Yu. Simanchev and N. Yu. Shereshik
Integer models for the interrupt-oriented services of jobs by single machine
P. 89–101

No 5

A. Yu. Bernshtein  
3-Regular subgraphs and (3, 1)-colorings of 4-regular pseudographs
P. 3–16

V. A. Voblyi and A. K. Meleshko
Enumeration of labeled Eulerian tetracyclic graphs
P. 17–22

A. A. Kurochkin
Capacitated facility location problem on random input data
P. 23–39

I. M. Minarchenko
Numerical search of equilibrium in cournot model with S-like costs functions
P. 40–53

A. A. Panin and A. V. Plyasunov
On complexity of bilevel problems of location and pricing
P. 54–66

S. Yu. Filyuzin
On algebraic immunity of dillon’s bent functions
P. 67–75

I. P. Chukhrov
Minimal complexes of faces of a random Boolean function
P. 76–94

No 6

K. V. Vorob’ev and D. S. Krotov
Bounds on the cardinality of a minimal 1-perfect bitrade in the hamming graph
P. 3–10

A. N. Glebov, D. Zh. Zambalaeva and A. A. Skretneva  
2/3-approximation algorithm for the maximization version of the asymmetric two peripatetic salesman problem
P. 11–20

I. A. Davydov, P. A. Kononova and Yu. A. Kochetov
Local search with exponential neighborhood for the servers load balancing problem
P. 21–34

I. V. Kozin and S. I. Polyuga
Evolutionary-fragmentary model of pentamino packing
P. 35–50

V. V. Kochergin
Improvement of complexity bounds of monomials and sets of powers computations in Bellman’s and Knuth’s problems
P. 51–72

K. A. Popkov
Estimates for lengths of check and diagnostic tests of functional elements
P. 73–89

 © Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, 2015