Volume 27, No 3, 2020

V. L. Beresnev and A. A. Melnikov
Planning a defense that minimizes a resource deficit in the worst-case scenario of supply network

P. 5-27

A. N. Glebov and S. G. Toktokhoeva
A polynomial algorithm with asymptotic ratio 2/3 for the asymmetric maximization version of the $m$-PSP
P. 28-52

M. O. Golovachev and A. V. Pyatkin
On a routing Open Shop Problem on two nodes with unit processing times
P. 53-70

D. V. Gribanov, D. S. Malyshev, and D. B. Mokeev
Efficient solvability of the weighted vertex coloring problem for some hereditary class of graphs with 5-vertex prohibitions
P. 71-87

V. P. Il’ev, S. D. Il’eva, and A. V. Morshinin
2-Approximation algorithms for two graph clustering problems
P. 88-108

A. D. Yashunsky
On the approximation of random variables on a finite chain
P. 109-125

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