Volume 29, No 4, 2022

V. A. Voblyi
On asymptotic enumeration of labeled series-parallel $k$-cyclic graphs
P. 5-14

E. N. Goncharov
Local search algorithm for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem
P. 15-37

A. E. Doronin and K. V. Kalgin
Application of SAT solvers to the problem of finding vector Boolean functions with required cryptographic properties
P. 38-58

E. A. Monakhova and O. G. Monakhov
Construction of series of families of degree six circulant networks
P. 59-76

K. L. Rychkov
Representations of normalized formulas
P. 77-103

Yu. V. Tarannikov
On the existence of Agievich-primitive partitions
P. 104-123

E. E. Trifonova
On some properties of finitely generating transformer sets for $p$-ary fractions
P. 124-135

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