The conference will be held in Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 Academician Koptyug avenue, on March 1 – 6.

Program (323 Kb)

Plenary talks:

S. Bolotin. Separatrix map for slow-fast Hamiltonian systems.

A. Buryak. A noncommutative generalization of Witten's conjecture.

S. Dobrokhotov. Real semiclassical approximation for the asymptotics with complex-valued phases and asymptotics of Hermitian type orthogonal polynomials.

A. Glutsyuk. Density of thin film billiard reflection pseudogroup in Hamiltonian symplectomorphism pseudogroup.

V. Kozlov. Weak ergodicity and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics.

N. Kuznetsov. Global stability boundary, hidden oscillations, and non-equilibrium dynamics in the models with cylindrical phase space: PLL and Sommerfeld effect.

D. Orlov. Geometric realizations of algebraic objects and finite-dimensional algebras.

O. Pochinka. On the number of the classes of topological conjugacy of Pixton diffeomorphisms.

A. Shafarevich. Reflection of Lagrangian manifolds and of Maslov complex germs in the Cauchy problem for the Schrodinger equation with a delta potential localized on a surface of codimension 1.

S. Sokolov. Dynamics of a circular cylinder and two vortex filaments in an ideal fluid.

V. Timorin. A model for the cubic connectedness locus.

D. Treschev. Volume preserving diffeomorphisms as Poincare maps for volume preserving flows.

A. Tsiganov. Divisor arithmetic, integrable and superintegrable systems.

I. Vyugin. On Some Applications of Differential Equations to Problems in Additive Number Theory.


© Институт математики им. С. Л. Соболева, 2021
Институт математики им. С. Л. Соболева СО РАН    Новосибирский государственный университет