Volume 28, 2021
No 1
V. A. Voblyi
On the enumeration of labeled series-parallel $k$-cyclic 2-connected graphs
O. O. Razvenskaya and D. S. Malyshev
Efficient solvability of the weighted vertex coloring problem for some two hereditary graph classes
P. 15-47
R. Yu. Simanchev, P. V. Solovieva, and I. V. Urazova
The affine hull of the schedule polytope for servicing identical requests by parallel devices
P. 48-67
I. P. Chukhrov
Connected Boolean functions with a locally extremal number of prime implicants
P. 68-96
No 2
Yu. A. Kochetov and N. B. Shamray
Optimization of the ambulance fleet location and relocation
P. 5-34
I. N. Kulachenko and P. A. Kononova
A hybrid algorithm for the drilling rig routing problem
O. A. Kutnenko and A. V. Plyasunov
NP-hardness of some data cleaning problem
P. 60-73
V. M. Fomichev
On degree of nonlinearity of the coordinate polynomials for a product of transformations of a binary vector space
P. 74-91
No 3
O. I. Duginov
A weighted perfect matching with constraints on weights of its parts
P. 5-37
A. A. Makhnev and M. P. Golubyatnikov
On nonexistence of distance regular graphs with the intersection array {53, 40, 28, 16; 1, 4, 10, 28}
P. 38-48
I. A. Sutormin
On nonlinearity of Boolean functions generated by the generalized Dobbertin construction
P. 49-64
N. N. Tyunin
The problems of non-convex quadratic programming related to phased antenna arrays optimization
P. 65-89
A. D. Yashunsky
On three-valued random variable transformations by bivariate functions
P. 90-103
No 4
I. L. Vasilyev and A. V. Ushakov
Discrete facility location in machine learning
P. 5-60
V. A. Voblyi
Asymptotic enumeration of labeled series-parallel $k$-cyclic bridgeless graphs
P. 61-69
G. G. Zabudsky and N. S. Veremchuk
Optimization of location of interconnected facilities on parallel lines with forbidden zones
P. 70-89
A. O. Zakharov and Yu. V. Kovalenko
The reduction of the Pareto set of a special structure in bicriteria discrete problems
P. 90-116
A. G. Klyuchikov and M. N. Vyalyi
A win-win algorithm for the $(k + 1)-LST/k$-pathwidth problem
P. 117-124