Volume 27, 2020
No 1
V. A. Voblyi
On the number of labeled outerplanar $k$-cyclic bridgeless graphs
P. 5-16
D. V. Gribanov and D. S. Malyshev
Minimization of even conic functions on the two-dimensional integral lattice
P. 17-42
I. V. Konnov, E. Laitinen, and O. V. Pinyagina
Inexact partial linearization methods for network equilibrium problems
P. 43-60
A. D. Kurnosov
The set of all values of the domination number in trees with a given degree sequence
P. 61-87
V. K. Leontiev and E. N. Gordeev
On the annihilators of Boolean polynomials
P. 88-109
N. G. Parvatov
Finding the subsets of variables of a partial Boolean function which are sufficient for its implementation in the classes defined by predicates
P. 110-126
A. V. Ripatti and V. M. Kartak
Constructing an instance of the cutting stock problem of minimum size which does not possess the integer round-up property
P. 127-140
No 2
I. A. Borisova
Computational complexity of the problem of choosing typical representatives in a 2-clustering of a finite set of points in a metric space
V. M. Deundyak and E. A. Lelyuk
A graph-theoretical method for decoding some group MLD-codes
P. 17-42
I. N. Kulachenko and P. A. Kononova
A hybrid local search algorithm for consistent periodic vehicle routing problem
P. 43-64
Ya. A. Loverov and Yu. L. Orlovich
NP-completeness of the independent dominating set problem in the class of cubic planar bipartite graphs
P. 65-89
D. B. Mokeev and D. S. Malyshev
On the König graphs for a 5-path and its spanning supergraphs
P. 90-116
V. M. Fomichev and Ya. E. Avezova
Exact formula for exponents of mixing digraphs for register transformations
P. 117-135
No 3
V. L. Beresnev and A. A. Melnikov
Planning a defense that minimizes a resource deficit in the worst-case scenario of supply network
A. N. Glebov and S. G. Toktokhoeva
A polynomial algorithm with asymptotic ratio 2/3 for the asymmetric maximization version of the $m$-PSP
P. 28-52
M. O. Golovachev and A. V. Pyatkin
On a routing Open Shop Problem on two nodes with unit processing times
P. 53-70
D. V. Gribanov, D. S. Malyshev, and D. B. Mokeev
Efficient solvability of the weighted vertex coloring problem for some hereditary class of graphs with 5-vertex prohibitions
P. 71-87
V. P. Il’ev, S. D. Il’eva, and A. V. Morshinin
2-Approximation algorithms for two graph clustering problems
P. 88-108
A. D. Yashunsky
On the approximation of random variables on a finite chain
P. 109-125
No 4
V. V. Voroshilov
A maximum dicut in a digraph induced by a minimal dominating set
P. 5-20
A. A. Gorodilova, N. N. Tokareva, S. V. Agievich, C. Carlet, E. V. Gorkunov, V. A. Idrisova, N. A. Kolomeec,
A. V. Kutsenko, R. K. Lebedev, S. Nikova, A. K. Oblaukhov, I. A. Pankratova, M. A. Pudovkina, V. Rijmen, and A. N. Udovenko
On the Sixth International Olympiad in Cryptography NSUCRYPTO
P. 21-57
P. D. Lebedev, V. N. Ushakov, and A. A. Uspenskii
Numerical methods for constructing suboptimal packings of nonconvex domains with curved boundary
P. 58-79
T. V. Levanova and A. Yu. Gnusarev
Variable neighborhood search algorithms for a competitive location problem with elastic demand
P. 80-103
D. S. Malyshev
Complete complexity dichotomy for 7-edge forbidden subgraphs in the edge coloring problem
P. 104-130
V. M. Fomichev
Estimating nonlinearity characteristics for iterative transformations of a vector space
P. 131-151