Talks and Speeches
In English
Homage to Eugene Gordon
Speech on Serge Sobolev
Dido's Problem and Beyond
Speech on Anatoly Kusraev
Stone–Weierstrass Approximation Revisited
A.G. Kusraev
Signposts and Memes of Leonid Kantorovich
What Is Boolean Valued Analysis?
On the Centennial of Abharam Robinson
Calculus of Tangents and Beyond
The Growth Points of Boolean Valued Analysis
A.E. Gutman
A.G. Kusraev
Nonstandard Trends in Functional Analysis
A.G. Kusraev
Order Analysis and Decision Making
Some Uses and Abuses of Nonstandard Models
The Life and Works of A.D. Alexandrov
Yu.G. Reshetnyak)
Alexandrov of Ancient Hellas
The Nonsmooth Path of Alex M. Rubinov
Nonstandard Tools for Nonsmooth Analysis
The Figure of Consent
Mathematics and Economics of Kantorovich
Convexity and Inequality
The Tower of Stochastics
Leibnizian, Robinsonian, and Boolean Valued Monads
Mikhailo Lomonosov and Mathematics of the Enlightment
Simultaneous Linear Inequalities: Yesterday and Today
Boolean Models and Simultaneous Inequalities
Dido's Problem and Pareto Optimality
On the Farkas Lemma
Multiobjective Problems of Convex Geometry
One Puzzling Definition and Model Theory
Nonstandard Models and Optimization
Vexing Convexity
Sobolev and the Calculus of the Twentieth Century
Convexity and Cone-Vexing
Abstract Convexity and Cone-Vexing Abstractions
Interaction of Order and Convexity
Math Roots of the Luzin Case
What Is Boolean Valued Analysis?
Leibniz's Definition of Monad
Boolean Valued Analysis and Positivity
A.G. Kusraev
One General Method in Operator Theory
On Grothendieck Subspaces
On Differences of Riesz Homomorphisms
Dynamic Extremal Problems and Infinitesimals
A.G. Kusraev
Kantorovich Spaces and Optimization
A.G. Kusraev
Speech on Kantorovich
The Path and Space of Kantorovich
Sobolev and Schwartz: Two Fates and Two Fames
Some Trends in Monadology
Excursus into the History of Calculus
On Combined Nonstandard Methods in Functional Analysis
A.G. Kusraev
On One Idea by Reshetnyak in Measure Theory
One Functional-Analytical Idea by Alexandrov in Convex Geometry
A By-Proxy Talk on Alexandrov's Contribution
The Real Nature of
On Nonstandard Methods in Functional Analysis
A.G. Kusraev
In Russian
Homage to Vladimir Tikhomirov
Yurii Reshetnyak: Teacher and Student
Speech for the Students–Mathematicians of 1983
Speech on Leonid Bokut
Serge Sobolev and His Discovery
Speech about Vladimir Ivanov
Linear Inequalities
Speech on Yuri Reshetnyak
Speach on Gleb Akilov and the Teaching of Functional Analysis
In Memory of Victor Zalgaller
(On the Centenary of His Birth)
Genius and Pseudoscience
Speech about Gleb Akilov
Three Synthetical Plots of Analysis and Geometry
In Memory of Grothendieck: Spaces and Toposes
A.D. Alexandrov, a Scientist and an Enlightener
Two Plots
The Fate and Gift of the Teacher
New People of Russia
Reincarnation of Some Ideas of Applied Analysis
The Human's Multidimensional Universe
The Farkas Lemma Revisited
Let's Take Care of Leaders
Not an Icon but a Human
(Speech on the Centenary of the Birth of Sobolev)
Placing Nonstandard Models
Evolution of the Primary Mathematical Concepts
On the Mathematical Contribution of Kantorovich
Once Again About Three Problems in Analysis and Geometry
a video report
a photo report of the talk on 05.10.05
The Art and Craft of Calculus
Tradition and Invention:
Speech at the Board of Trustees of NSU on 05.05.05
Three Unsolved Problems of Analysis and/or Geometry
(the agenda of a seminar on 26.09.95) +
a video report
About Attitute to Sobolev
On the Mathematical Papers of Leonid Kantorovich
Russian Page