109. | Gutman A.E. Archimedean and closed cones [in Russian] // Report abstract. Conference on geometric analysis dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of academician Yu.G.Reshetnyak (Novosibirsk, September 22–28, 2024): Proceedings. Novosibirsk, 2024. P. 40–42. |
108. | Gutman A.E., Emelianenkov I.A. Quasidenseness in Rᴺ and projective parallelotopes [in Russian] // Sib. Matem. Zh. 2024. V. 65, N 2. P. 258–276. |
Gutman A.E., Emelianenkov I.A. Quasidenseness in Rᴺ and projective parallelotopes // Sib. Math. J. 2024. V. 65, N 2. P. 265–278. | |
107. | Gutman A.E., Kusraev A.G. Boolean valued analysis and the Wickstead problem [in Russian] // Chapter in: Mathematical Forum. Vol. 14. Modern Mathematics. Introductory Lectures (Project OTDE-Workshop). Vladikavkaz: SMI VSC RAS, 2023. P. 11–48. |
106. | Gutman A.E. A sentence preservation theorem for Boolean algebras // J. Math. Sci. 2023. 8 p. |
105. | Gutman A.E., Emelianenkov I.A. Locally convex spaces with all Archimedean cones closed [in Russian] // Sib. Matem. Zh. 2023. V. 64, N 5. P. 945–970. |
Gutman A.E., Emelianenkov I.A. Locally convex spaces with all Archimedean cones closed // Sib. Math. J. 2023. V. 64, N 5. P. 1117–1136. | |
104. | Gutman A.E. Boolean-Valued Analysis: See the Simple in the Complex [in Russian] // Report abstract. International Conference «Order Analysis and Related Problems of Mathematical Modeling, XVI. Operator Theory and Differential Equations» (Vladikavkaz, September 20–25, 2021): Proceedings. Vladikavkaz: SMI VSC RAS and RNO-A, 2021. 1 p. |
103. | Gutman A.E. Boolean-valued set-theoretic systems: General formalism and basic technique // Mathematics. 2021. V. 9, N 9. Art. 1056. 78 p. |
102. | Gutman A.E., Kononenko L.I. Binary correspondences and an algorithm for solving an inverse problem of chemical kinetics in a nondegenerate case // Report abstract. Geometry in the Large. Conference dedicated to the 90th birthday of Victor Toponogov (St. Petersburg, 2021): Abstracts. St. Petersburg: Euler International Mathematical Institute, 2021. P. 12. |
101. | Gutman A.E. Boolean-valued universe as an algebraic system. II: Intensional hierarchies [in Russian] // Sib. Matem. Zh. 2020. V. 61, N 3. P. 539–571. |
Gutman A.E. Boolean-valued universe as an algebraic system. II: Intensional hierarchies // Sib. Math. J. 2020. V. 61, N 3. P. 426–452. | |
100. | Gutman A.E. Cumulative structure of a Boolean-valued model of set theory // Report abstract. International conference on Geometric Analysis in honor of the 90th anniversary of academician Yu.G.Reshetnyak (Novosibirsk, September, 22–28, 2019): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, 2019. P. 64–66. |
99. | Gutman A.E., Kononenko L.I. Binary correspondences and an algorithm for solving an inverse problem of chemical kinetics // Report abstract. International conference on Geometric Analysis in honor of the 90th anniversary of academician Yu.G.Reshetnyak (Novosibirsk, September, 22–28, 2019): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, 2019. P. 67. |
98. | Gutman A.E. Boolean-valued universe as an algebraic system. I: Basic principles [in Russian] // Sib. Matem. Zh. 2019. V. 60, N 5. P. 1041–1062. |
Gutman A.E. Boolean-valued universe as an algebraic system. I: Basic principles // Sib. Math. J. 2019. V. 60, N 5. P. 810–827. | |
97. | Gutman A.E., Emelianenkov I.A. Lexicographic structures on vector spaces [in Russian] // Vladikavk. Math. J. 2019. V. 21, issue 4. P. 42–55. |
96. | Gutman A.E., Kononenko L.I. Binary correspondences and the inverse problem of chemical kinetics [in Russian] // Report abstract. Sobolev Readings. International School-Conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birthday of S.L.Sobolev (Novosibirsk, December 10–16, 2018): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 2018. P. 81. |
95. | Gutman A.E. Archimedean and directionally closed cones // Report abstract. Geometry Days in Novosibirsk – 2018. International conference (Novosibirsk, September 19–22, 2018): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 2018. P. 15. |
94. | Gutman A.E., Kononenko L.I. Binary correspondences and the inverse problem of chemical kinetics // Vladikavk. Math. J. 2018. V. 20, issue 3. P. 37–47. |
93. | Gutman A.E. On the structure of the Boolean-valued universe [in Russian] // Vladikavk. Math. J. 2018. V. 20, issue 2. P. 38–48. |
92. | Gutman A.E., Kononenko L.I. The inverse problem of chemical kinetics as a composition of binary correspondences [in Russian] // Sib. Electron. Math. Rep. 2018. V. 15. P. 48–53. |
91. | Gutman A.E., Kononenko L.I. Binary correspondences in problems of chemical kinetics [in Russian] // Report abstract. Lomonosov's Reading in Altai: Fundamental Problems of Science and Education, International conference (Barnaul, November 14–17, 2017): Collection of scientific articles. Barnaul: Altai State Univ., 2017. P. 424–430. |
90. | Gutman A.E., Kononenko L.I. Binary correspondences and problems of chemical kinetics with many-sheeted slow surface // Report abstract. Sobolev Readings. International School-Conference (Novosibirsk, August 20–23, 2017): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 2017. P. 122. |
89. | Gutman A.E., Matyukhin A.V. Archimedean cones and incoming directions [in Russian] // Report abstract. Mathematics in the Modern World. International conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk, August 14–19, 2017): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 2017. P. 154. |
88. | Gutman A.E., Kononenko L.I. Binary correspondences and multidimensional problems of chemical kinetics [in Russian] // Report abstract. Mathematics in the Modern World. International conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk, August 14–19, 2017): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 2017. P. 205. |
87. | Gutman A.E., Kutateladze S.S. Laboratory of Functional Analysis [in Russian] // Chapter in: Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS. 60 years. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 2017. P. 151–158. |
86. | Gutman A.E., Kononenko L.I. Formalization of inverse problems and its applications [in Russian] // Sib. J. Pure. Appl. Math. 2017. V. 17, N 4. P. 49–56. |
85. | Gutman A.E., Katz M.G., Kudryk T.S., Kutateladze S.S. The Mathematical Intelligencer flunks the Olympics // Found. Sci. 2017. V. 22, N 3. P. 539–555. |
84. | Gutman A.E., Matyukhin A.V. Nonclosed Archimedean cones // Report abstract. Geometric Analysis and Control Theory. International conference (Novosibirsk, December, 8–12, 2016): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, 2016. P. 42–44. |
83. | Gutman A.E., Kononenko L.I. Formalization of inverse problems and applications to systems of equations with parameters // Report abstract. Geometric Analysis and Control Theory. International conference (Novosibirsk, December, 8–12, 2016): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, 2016. P. 40–42. |
82. | Gutman A.E., Matyukhin A.V. Nonclosed Archimedean cones [in Russian] // Report abstract. Geometry Days in Novosibirsk – 2016. International conference (Novosibirsk, September 21–24, 2016): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 2016. P. 46–47. |
81. | Gutman A.E., Katz M.G., Kudryk T.S., Kutateladze S.S. The Mathematical Intelligencer flunks the Olympics. Electron. preprint. arXiv.org, 2016. 25 p. (arXiv:1606.00160 [math.HO]) |
80. | Gutman A.E., Matyukhin A.V. Topological vector spaces with nonclosed Archimedean cones [in Russian] // Prospero. 2015. V. 8, N 20. P. 62–64. |
79. | Gutman A.E., Matyukhin A.V. The problem of describing the locally convex spaces which include nonclosed Archimedean cones [in Russian] // Report abstract. Actual Questions of Contemporary Science. International scientific conference (Moscow, September 14–15, 2015): Proceedings. Moscow: RusAlliance Owl, 2015. P. 8–12. |
78. | Gutman A.E., Emelyanov E.Yu., Matyukhin A.V. Nonclosed Archimedean cones in locally convex spaces [in Russian] // Vladikavk. Math. J. 2015. V. 17, issue 3. P. 36–43. |
77. | Gutman A.E. The problem of existence of nonclosed Archimedean cones [in Russian] // Report abstract. Geometry Days in Novosibirsk – 2015. International conference (Novosibirsk, August 26–29, 2015): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, 2015. P. 91–92. |
76. | Gutman A.E. Object-oriented data as prefix rewriting systems // Vladikavk. Math. J. 2015. V. 17, issue 3. P. 23–35. |
75. | Koptev A.V., Gutman A.E. Homomorphisms of Banach bundles and separated convergent sequences [in Russian] // Report abstract. Geometry Days in Novosibirsk – 2014. International conference dedicated to 85th anniversary of academician Yu.G.Reshetnyak (Novosibirsk, September 24–27, 2014): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, 2014. P. 39–40. |
74. | Gutman A.E., Kusraev A.G., Kutateladze S.S. The growth points of Boolean valued analysis // Report abstract. Geometry Days in Novosibirsk – 2014. International conference dedicated to 85th anniversary of academician Yu.G.Reshetnyak (Novosibirsk, September 24–27, 2014): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, 2014. P. 102. |
73. | Vodopyanov S.K., Gordon E.I., Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V., Kutateladze S.S., Malyugin S.A., Reshetnyak Yu.G. Anatoly Georgievich Kusraev is 60 [in Russian] // Mathematical Forum (Scientific Outcome. South of Russia). Vladikavkaz: SMI VSC RAS and RNO-A. 2014. V. 8, part 2. Research in differential equations, mathematical modeling, and problems of mathematical education. P. 11–12. |
72. | Vodopyanov S.K., Gordon E.I., Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V., Kutateladze S.S., Malyugin S.A., Reshetnyak Yu.G. Contribution of Anatoly Kusraev to subdifferential calculus and Boolean-valued analysis (on the occasion of his 60th birthday) [in Russian] // Mathematical Forum (Scientific Outcome. South of Russia). Vladikavkaz: SMI VSC RAS and RNO-A. 2014. V. 8, part 1. Research in mathematical analysis. P. 11–22. |
71. | Gutman A.E. Object-oriented data as prefix rewriting systems // Report abstract. Advanced mathematics, computations and applications – 2014. International conference (Novosibirsk, June 8–11, 2014): Abstracts. Novosibirsk: Academizdat, 2014. P. 48. |
70. | Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. Finite dimensionality and separability of the stalks of Banach bundles [in Russian] // Sib. Matem. Zh. 2014. V. 55, N 2. P. 304–314. |
Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. Finite dimensionality and separability of the stalks of Banach bundles // Sib. Math. J. 2014. V. 55, N 2. P. 246–253. | |
69. | Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. Convergence-preserving maps and fixed-point theorems [in Russian] // Mat. zametki. 2014. V. 95, N 5. P. 790–794. |
Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. Convergence-preserving maps and fixed-point theorems // Math. Notes. 2014. V. 95, N 5. P. 738–742. | |
68. | Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. Distribution of finite-dimensional and separable stalks of an ample Banach bundle [in Russian] // Proc. Acad. Sci. 2014. V. 456, N 4. P. 387–388. |
Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. Distribution of finite-dimensional and separable stalks of an ample Banach bundle // Doklady Math. 2014. V. 89, N 3. P. 319–320. | |
67. | Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. Continuous-discrete sections of bundles of Banach lattices [in Russian] // Vladikavk. Math. J. 2013. V. 15, issue 4. P. 14–18. |
66. | Gutman A.E. The technique of definable terms in Boolean valued analysis // Report abstract. Mal'tsev Meeting. International Conference (Novosibirsk, November 11–15, 2013): Proceedings. Novosibirsk, 2013. P. 164. |
65. | Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. Lattice-metric decomposition of a monotone operator [in Russian] // Math. Notes YSU. 2013. V. 20, issue 2. P. 34–40. |
64. | Gutman A.E. Positive lifting in a measurable bundle of Banach lattices [in Russian] // Vladikavk. Math. J. 2013. V. 15, issue 4. P. 12–13. |
63. | Gutman A.E. Sequentially convergent mappings and fixed-point theorems [in Russian] // Report abstract. Geometry Days in Novosibirsk – 2013. International conference (Novosibirsk, August 28–31, 2013): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 2013. P. 34–35. |
62. | Gutman A.E. Positive lifting in a measurable bundle of Banach lattices [in Russian] // Report abstract. Differential Equations. Function Spaces. Approximation Theory. International Conference dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the birthday of S.L.Sobolev (Novosibirsk, August 18–24, 2013): Proceeding. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, 2013. P. 377. |
61. | Vodopyanov S.K., Gordon E.I., Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V., Kutateladze S.S., Malyugin S.A., Reshetnyak Yu.G. Contribution of Anatoly Kusraev to subdifferential calculus and Boolean valued analysis (on the occasion of his 60th birthday) [in Russian] // Vladikavk. Math. J. 2013. V. 15, issue 1. P. 90–97. |
60. | Vodopyanov S.K., Gordon E.I., Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V., Kutateladze S.S., Malyugin S.A., Reshetnyak Yu.G. Anatoly Georgievich Kusraev is 60 [in Russian] // Sib. Electron. Math. Rep. 2013. V. 10. P. A.13–A.29. |
59. | Gutman A.E. Representation and analysis of object-oriented data by means of rewriting systems [in Russian] // Report abstract. Mal'tsev Meeting. International Conference (Novosibirsk, November 12–16, 2012). Novosibirsk, 2012. P. 26. |
58. | Gutman A.E. An example of using Δ₁ terms in Boolean-valued analysis [in Russian] // Vladikavk. Math. J. 2012. V. 14, issue 1. P. 47–63. |
57. | Gutman A.E. Prefix rewriting systems as object-oriented data models // Report abstract. Ershov Informatics Conference 2011. Knowledge and Ontologies *ELSEWHERE* 2011. The Third Workshop (Novosibirsk, July 1, 2011): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Price-Courier, 2011. P. 5–14. |
56. | Gutman A.E., Kutateladze S.S., Reshetnyak Yu.G. Cofinite numbers, nonstandard analysis, and mechanics [in Russian] // Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat. 2010. V. 13, N 1(41). P. 55–58. |
Gutman A.E., Kutateladze S.S., Reshetnyak Yu.G. Cofinite numbers, nonstandard analysis, and mechanics // J. Appl. Ind. Math. 2010. V. 4, N 2. P. 191–193. | |
55. | Gutman A.E., Lisovskaya S.A. The boundedness principle for lattice-normed spaces [in Russian] // Report abstract. Contemporary Analysis and Geometry. International Conference (Novosibirsk, September 14–20, 2009): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 2009. P. 29. |
54. | Gutman A.E., Lisovskaya S.A. The boundedness principle for lattice-normed spaces [in Russian] // Sib. Matem. Zh. 2009. V. 50, N 5. P. 1050–1059. |
Gutman A.E., Lisovskaya S.A. The boundedness principle for lattice-normed spaces // Sib. Math. J. 2009. V. 50, N 5. P. 830–837. | |
53. | Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. Spaces of CD₀-functions and CD₀-sections of Banach bundles // Sib. Electron. Math. Rep. 2009. V. 6. P. 219–242. |
52. | Gutman A.E., Kutateladze S.S. A trivial formalization of the theory of grossone. Electron. preprint. arXiv.org, 2008. 6 p. (arXiv:0808.1164 [math.GM]) |
51. | Gutman A.E., Kutateladze S.S. On the theory of grossone [in Russian] // Sib. Matem. Zh. 2008. V. 49, N 5. P. 1054–1063. |
Gutman A.E., Kutateladze S.S. On the theory of grossone // Sib. Math. J. 2008. V. 49, N 5. P. 835–841. | |
50. | Gutman A.E., Kusraev A.G., Kutateladze S.S. The Wickstead problem // Sib. Electron. Math. Rep. 2008. V. 5. P. 293–333. |
49. | Gutman A.E., Kusraev A.G., Kutateladze S.S. The Wickstead problem. Electron. preprint. arXiv.org, 2007. 44 p. (arXiv:0712.2378 [math.FA]) |
48. | Gutman A.E., Kusraev A.G., Kutateladze S.S. The Wickstead problem. Preprint. Vladikavkaz, 2007. 44 p. (IAMI VSC RAS; N 3) |
47. | Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. Spaces of CD₀-functions and Alexandroff duplicate [in Russian] // Vladikavk. Math. J. 2007. V. 9, issue 3. P. 11–21. |
46. | Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. The space of CD₀-sections of a Banach bundle [in Russian] // Report abstract. Mathematics in the Modern World. The Russian Conference Dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk, September 17–23, 2007): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, 2007. P. 61–62. |
45. | Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. Spaces of CD₀-sections and CD₀-homomorphisms of Banach bundles [in Russian] // Vestn. Novosib. Gos. Univ., Ser. Mat. Mekh. Inform. 2007. V. 7, issue 4. P. 27–48. |
44. | Gutman A.E., Kusraev A.G., Reshetnyak Yu.G. On the nth birthday of Semen Samsonovich Kutateladze for n=60 [in Russian] // Sib. Electron. Math. Rep. 2005. V. 2. P. A.12–A.33. |
43. | Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. Dual Banach bundles [in Russian] // Chapter 3 in: Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices. 2nd ed., corr. and enl. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 2005. P. 125–201. |
42. | Gutman A.E., Losenkov G.A. Function representation of a Boolean valued universe [in Russian] // Chapter 2 in: Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices. 2nd ed., corr. and enl. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 2005. P. 95–123. |
41. | Gutman A.E., Emelyanov E.Yu., Koptev A.V., Kusraev A.G., Kutateladze S.S., Malyugin S.A. Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices. 2nd ed., corr. and enl. [in Russian]. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 2005. x+400 p. |
40. | Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V., Popov A.I. Finite representability in stalks of ample Banach bundles [in Russian] // Vladikavk. Math. J. 2005. V. 7, issue 1. P. 39–45. |
39. | Gutman A.E., Feofanov D.S. Description of principal bands generated by disjointness preserving operators [in Russian] // Vladikavk. Math. J. 2004. V. 6, issue 3. P. 26–35. |
38. | Gutman A.E., Sotnikov A.I. Order properties of the space of finitely additive transition functions [in Russian] // Sib. Matem. Zh. 2004. V. 45, N 1. P. 80–102. |
Gutman A.E., Sotnikov A.I. Order properties of the space of finitely additive transition functions // Sib. Math. J. 2004. V. 45, N 1. P. 69–85. | |
37. | Gutman A.E., Sotnikov A.I. On order complete sigma-algebras [in Russian] // Sci. Proc. TyvSU. Kyzyl: TyvSU. 2003. Issue 1. P. 83–86. |
36. | Ageev A.N., Gutman A.E. Artificial intelligence assets and business management [in Russian] // Report abstract. Informatics and telecommunication problems. International Scientific and Technical Conference (Novosibirsk, September 23–24, 2003): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Sciences, 2003. P. 167–170. |
35. | Gutman A.E., Ryabko D.B. Functional representation of a Dedekind-complete Reisz space in a Boolean valued universe // Report abstract. The 4th Conference on Function Spaces at SIUE (USA, May 14–19, 2002): Proceedings. USA, Illinois, Edwardsville, 2002. P. 16. |
34. | Gutman A.E., Ryabko D.B. Function representation of Kantorovich spaces by means of a Boolean-valued models [in Russian] // Vladikavk. Math. J. 2002. V. 4, issue 1. P. 34–49. |
33. | Gutman A.E., Ryabko D.B. Completeness criterion for the nonstandard hull of a normed space in a Boolean-valued universe [in Russian] // Proc. Acad. Sci. 2002. V. 384, N 2. P. 153–155. |
Gutman A.E., Ryabko D.B. Completeness criterion for the nonstandard hull of a normed space in a Boolean-valued universe // Doklady Math. 2002. V. 65, N 3. P. 337–338. | |
32. | Gutman A.E., Ryabko D.B. The nonstandard hull of a normed space in a Boolean-valued universe [in Russian] // Matem. tr. 2001. V. 4, N 2. P. 42–52. |
Gutman A.E., Ryabko D.B. The nonstandard hull of a normed space in a Boolean-valued universe // Siberian Adv. Math. 2002. V. 12, N 2. P. 38–47. | |
31. | Gutman A.E., Feofanov D.S. Analytic description of principal operator bands [in Russian]. Textbook. Novosibirsk: Novosib. State Univ., 2000. 31 p. |
30. | Gutman A.E., Kolesnikov A.S. Banach–Kantorovich lattices [in Russian]. Textbook. Novosibirsk: Novosib. State Univ., 2000. 80 p. |
29. | Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. Dual Banach bundles // Chapter 3 in: Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. P. 105–159. |
28. | Gutman A.E., Losenkov G.A. Function representation of a Boolean valued universe // Chapter 2 in: Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. P. 81–104. |
27. | Gutman A.E., Emelyanov E.Yu., Kusraev A.G., Kutateladze S.S. Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. xii+307 p. |
26. | Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. Dual Banach bundles [in Russian] // Chapter 3 in: Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 1999. P. 127–202. |
25. | Gutman A.E., Losenkov G.A. Function representation of a Boolean valued universe [in Russian] // Chapter 2 in: Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 1999. P. 97–125. |
24. | Gutman A.E., Emelyanov E.Yu., Kusraev A.G., Kutateladze S.S. Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices [in Russian]. Novosibirsk: Institute of Mathematics, 1999. x+380 p. |
23. | Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. On the notion of the dual of a Banach bundle [in Russian] // Matem. tr. 1999. V. 2, N 1. P. 8–71. |
Gutman A.E., Koptev A.V. On the notion of the dual of a Banach bundle // Siberian Adv. Math. 1999. V. 9, N 1. P. 46–98. | |
22. | Gutman A.E., Losenkov G.A. Function representation of the Boolean-valued universe [in Russian] // Matem. tr. 1998. V. 1, N 1. P. 54–77. |
Gutman A.E., Losenkov G.A. Function representation of the Boolean-valued universe // Siberian Adv. Math. 1998. V. 8, N 1. P. 99–120. | |
21. | Gutman A.E. Locally one-dimensional K-spaces [in Russian] // Proc. Acad. Sci. 1997. V. 353, N 5. P. 590–591. |
Gutman A.E. Locally one-dimensional complete vector lattices // Doklady Math. 1997. V. 55, N 2. P. 240–241. | |
20. | Gutman A.E. Locally one-dimensional K-spaces and σ-distributive Boolean algebras [in Russian] // Report abstract. Siberian Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (Novosibirsk, July 25–29, 1994): Proceedings. Novosibirsk: IM SB RAS, 1997. V. 1. P. 103–108. |
19. | Gutman A.E. Disjointness preserving operators // Chapter 5 in: Vector lattices and integral operators. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1996. P. 360–454. |
18. | Bukhvalov A.V., Gutman A.E., Korotkov V.B., Kusraev A.G., Kutateladze S.S., Makarov B.M. Vector lattices and integral operators. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1996. ix+462 p. |
17. | Gutman A.E. Banach bundles in the theory of lattice-normed spaces. IV. Disjointness preserving operators // Siberian Adv. Math. 1996. V. 6, N 2. P. 35–102. |
16. | Gutman A.E. Banach bundles in the theory of lattice-normed spaces [in Russian]. Diss. ... D.Sc. in mathematics: 01.01.01. Sobolev Inst. Math., Novosibirsk, 1995. 312 p. |
15. | Gutman A.E. Banach bundles in the theory of lattice-normed spaces [in Russian]. Diss. abstract ... D.Sc. in mathematics: 01.01.01. Sobolev Inst. Math., Novosibirsk, 1995. 16 p. |
14. | Gutman A.E. Banach bundles in the theory of lattice-normed spaces [in Russian] // Linear operators coordinated with order. Novosibirsk: IM SB RAS, 1995. / Proc. Inst. Math. SB RAS. V. 29. P. 63–211. |
13. | Gutman A.E. Locally one-dimensional K-spaces and σ-distributive Boolean algebras // Siberian Adv. Math. 1995. V. 5, N 1. P. 42–48. |
12. | Gutman A.E. Banach bundles in the theory of lattice-normed spaces. III. Approximating sets and bounded operators // Siberian Adv. Math. 1994. V. 4, N 2. P. 54–75. |
11. | Gutman A.E. Banach bundles in the theory of lattice-normed spaces. II. Measurable Banach bundles // Siberian Adv. Math. 1993. V. 3, N 4. P. 8–40. |
10. | Gutman A.E. Banach bundles in the theory of lattice-normed spaces. I. Continuous Banach bundles // Siberian Adv. Math. 1993. V. 3, N 3. P. 1–55. |
9. | Gutman A.E. Lifting in the space of measurable sections [in Russian] // Report abstract. XV All-USSR School on the theory of operators in function spaces (Nizhny Novgorod, September 13–20, 1991): Proceedings. Nizhny Novgorod, 1991. P. 63. |
8. | Gutman A.E. Representation of lattice-normed spaces and its applications [in Russian]. Diss. ... Ph.D. in mathematics: 01.01.01. Sobolev Inst. Math., Novosibirsk, 1991. 110 p. |
7. | Gutman A.E. Representation of lattice-normed spaces and its applications [in Russian]. Diss. abstract ... Ph.D. in mathematics: 01.01.01. Sobolev Inst. Math., Novosibirsk, 1991. 14 p. |
6. | Gutman A.E. On the representation of lattice-normed spaces [in Russian] // Sib. Matem. Zh. 1991. V. 32, N 2. P. 41–54. |
Gutman A.E. On the realization of lattice-normed spaces // Sib. Math. J. 1991. V. 32, N 2. P. 210–221. | |
5. | Gutman A.E. Measurable Banach bundles and weight operators [in Russian] // Report abstract. The Fifth School of Siberian and Far-Eastern young mathematicians (Novosibirsk, December 10–16, 1990): Proceedings. Novosibirsk, 1990. P. 30–32. |
4. | Gutman A.E. On disjointness preserving operators in spaces of continuous functions [in Russian] // Report abstract. XV All-USSR School on the theory of operators in function spaces (Ulyanovsk, September 5–12, 1990): Proceedings. Ulyanovsk, 1990. Part 1. P. 76. |
3. | Gutman A.E. An example of a sequentially o-continuous but not dominated disjointness preserving operator [in Russian] // Optimization. 1990. Issue 47(64). P. 116–121. |
2. | Gutman A.E. On disjointness preserving operators in Banach–Kantorovich spaces [in Russian] // Report abstract. XIV School on the theory of operators in function spaces (Novgorod, September 6–14, 1989): Proceedings. Novgorod, 1989. Part 1. P. 75. |
1. | Gutman A.E. Multiplicative representation of disjointness preserving operators [in Russian]. Diploma thesis. Dept. of Math. Anal., Faculty of Mech. and Math., Novosib. State Univ., Novosibirsk, 1988. 94 p. |
The papers are presented here for academic purposes and are not intended for mass dissemination or copying. | Last updated October 23, 2024 |